Why.....? (Part 2)

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Again, I hope it isn't too late.

Dad and Graham are currently in danger. I think Quickshadow is on her way to go rescue them.

I waited for a long time in a firehouse. Really, really long time. It was about 4 long hours later when I found out I took a nap and the sound of Quickshadow coming back.

She had a really concerned look on her face. Uh oh. That isn't usually a good sign.

I asked her what happened, but she said, "just give me a moment, please,"

 I thought she might be too sad to talk about it. But I found out next day what truly happened. I was very shocked and sad to believe it.

So here's what happened:

Dad and Graham argued who would get into the shelter that only provided room for one person. Dad then won the argument and he said that Graham should go inside, and I would've thought that Dad would rather retire than do that. Then, dad breathed in the dust and coughed a lot. He was then carried to the hospital by an ambulance. Quickshadow arrived just in time to watch the part when he was carried in an ambulance and she told me all of it. If only I rode in her.

I quickly decided that I should go to the hospital to visit dad. Quickshadow hitched me a ride.

When I went in the waiting room, I saw Graham seated and trying to keep calm, but his expression was a nervous and a sad face.

Dr. McSwain came and she said that we have to wait a while to have any visitors. She told Graham and me about Dad's disease. It was Valley Fever. He may cough a lot, so he has to rest a lot. She left to maintain Dad.

After one long hour of waiting, I suddenly remembered sometime really important. A flashback of my thinking:

" The leaves were golden brown and falling like a child separated from its mother or father. I was only assured that in the spring, it'll grow its leaves back to where it had been like a family reunion."

Maybe it would be the same for us! (Just to be positive.)

A/N: Warning: this is a spoiler for Chief.

Do not read it if you do not like spoilers.

________________________________________________________________________________Chief will gradually get better in the next 3 or 2 parts. Let me know if you have ideas to try and improve it.

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