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Outfits above

I am currently sitting in my apartment watching TV. Hey my name is Raven Mikealson I am 21 years old and I have powers that can pretty much do anything oh and I am pretty strong too, However I am not the bravest person it kinda comes and goes. I have been training with The Avengers for the past year and a half my powers are a mystery to them because I was born with them no experiments nothing odd, Ding.

Hawk: Hey Tony wants you to come in tomorrow.

Raven: Wait why? Did I do something wrong?

I'm trying to think back and think of anything I may have done wrong.

Hawk: No not at all it's kinda hush-hush, You just have to come in.

Raven: Yeah sure ok I will be there around 12 pm.

I look at the time it's already pretty late but I'm hungry I go to my kitchen and make a cheese toastie and a cup of tea "Hmm" I get the feeling I am being watched but I don't see anyone "Weird" I go to my room and sit at my desk, I eat my food and work on my drawing. About 30 minutes later I finish my tea and drawing so I decided to take a shower, That takes about 30 minutes then I put on my PJ's and go to bed.


I wake up at 9 am and go make some breakfast, I make some eggs, bacon, a cup of coffee and go sit on my sofa. I watch tom and jerry while I eat and scroll through my social media until I get a text.

Unknown number: You're cute when you're asleep so innocent.

WHAT THE HELL! I use my powers to put my plate and cup away, quickly get dressed and run to my car, Avengers compound here I come.


I'm on edge I still feel like I am being watched "Call Hawk" I speak to my car microphone "Calling Hawk" A female voice responds followed by a ringing "Raven what's up?"

"I-I think someone is following me I got a creepy text from an unknown number and I'm on edge" I check my rear view mirror and the car is still following me "Ok where are you?" A huge truck comes from my left and rammed my car!

"AAGH!" I scream as my car flips over "Raven!" I groan and try to get out of my car but the door is stuck, I clench my fist and punch the middle of the door sending it flying off the hinges and into a man who was coming towards me. I crawl out and stand up to be met by a guys fist "Huh thought she would be tougher" A stuck-up guy in all black smirks, I laugh "Something funny sweetheart?" I point to another guy in black and twist my hand SNAP his neck breaks and he falls to the floor dead "Y-You oh shit" He starts backing away I throw a punch at him and knock him on his ass. 2 More guys run at me as I twist my hands I hear 2 more snaps "Your turn" I smile "Not today" He pulls out a pistol and before I can react shoots me in the shoulder as I fall to the floor in pain he runs away "Shit" I groan and pass out.


I wake up in a small white room "Miss Mikealson You are awake I shall tell Mr Stark" Jarvis's voice comes through the speaker "Thanks" I mumble and sit up.

"Ow" I groan and hold my arm "Huh it hasn't healed yet" I mumble that's weird. "Ah our powerhouse is awake" Tony walks into the room with Cap "Come on Tony of course I am it takes more than a bullet to keep me down" I fake bravery "Actually if Clint hadn't found you when he did you would be dead right now, They poisoned the bullet" My eyes go wide "P-Poison!?" I yell "Well that would explain why It's not healed yet who was it that attacked me and why?" Tony looks to Cap "You wanna tell her Capsicle?" I look at Cap "Tell me what?" He sighs "They were Hydra agents" I frown "Then why attack me?" Cap looks back at Tony "Your turn" He walks out. "Well I suppose this is where what I wanted to talk to you about comes in" I lay back against the pillows as my shoulder starts to throb "Ok tell me" I groan "Well as you know The Winter Soldier aka Sergent Barnes has been staying here with Cap and learning not to be a psycho, That is where you come in I want you to train with him and he could use a friend or something" He winks "W-What Tony I don't even know him" He laughs "Well we will introduce him to you later get some rest" He walks out and I doze back off.

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter Its completely off the top of my head so its new for me.


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