Training with Loki

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Raven and Loki's training outfits above.

"Let me out!" I yell at Bucky "No" He growls "Fine I'll jump out" I reach for the door handle but he grabs my arm extremely tight "Ow let go!" I use my powers to shock his hand off my arm and I throw myself out of the car and into the road "Shit!" I mumble and roll away from oncoming traffic "ARE YOU INSANE!" He screams at me "I am not going anywhere with you" I get up and walk away, He grabs me and slams me up against a wall "You are in danger from Hydra! You need to go to the Avengers" Oh god he has that look in his eyes "Hmm esti cu adevarat o durere nu tine" (Hmm you really are a pain aren't you)  I tilt my head throw him off and run as fast as I can until I by some miracle get home. I double lock my doors and even use my powers for good measure I go to my bedroom lock that door too and get my phone out.

Raven: Tony I'm at my house I need you to come here I'm not safe on my own.

Tony: I can send Bucky and Capsicle to bring you here.

Raven: NO! I-I just need you to come and get me please.

Tony: Ok fine we will be there soon.

"Ok I'm gonna be fine" I take a deep breath and wait.


At least an hour passes before I hear a thump.

Tony: Um Raven we are outside and you kinda just shocked Thor.

I use my powers to undo all of my spells and open the door "Oh Thor I am so sorry!" I help Thor off the floor and heal him "Ok come on hurry and get in here" Cap, Tony, Thor and Wanda walk in and get comfy in my living room "So Powerhouse what happened?" Tony asks looking around "Well I went to a library today and I kinda freaked out when I saw Bucky there, Then I got pulled to a table by a Hydra agent the one that shot me Rumlow. He said he only shot me because I killed his guys but his boss wants me to join Hydra, I said no and then he tried to inject me with something but Bucky saved me and Rumlow ran away then Bucky was bringing me to you-"

"Why didn't you come to the compound?" Cap asks "I was afraid of Bucky so I kinda jumped out the car" I laugh "Lady Raven you are crazy".

"Anyway I may have got into it with Bucky and he went soldier mode on me I got away but I am terrified"

"So that's why we haven't seen him" My eyes go wide "He didn't come back!?" I do a tracking spell to find Bucky "He's at a warehouse about 3 blocks from here"

"That's Amazing!" Cap smiles "Thanks Cap" Tony stands up "Ok Cap, Wanda, Thor you 3 go after Barnes, Raven you come with me to the compound" I nod I knew I would have to go "Everyone get going now" We all leave and go do our thing.


"Well if you need me I'll be hid- I mean cleaning my room" I run out the hallway "Raven!" I hear Clint's voice but keep running until I get to my room and lock the door.


About an hour later I got everything fixed and working again "Miss Mikealson, Mr. Stark would like to know how you are feeling"

"Tell Tony I'm ok and I fixed the room" I go and change into training clothes "Jarvis please ask Tony who I can spar with" I grab a towel and my phone and get ready to leave "Mr. Stark says the only person available to spar with is Loki" I groan "Ok tell him to meet me in the training room" I say and head to the training room.


I get to the training room and see Loki with his back to me, He has his hair in a man bun and he's wearing a black tank top with grey sweatpants "Oh wow" I whisper "Enjoying the view" He turns and smirks "Uh- S-sorry" I blush "Stark told me what happened, You ok?" He comes over and holds my hand "Y-Yeah I just need to get some anger out" He backs away "Well unleash it".

"Are you ready?" Loki asks "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He laughs and runs at me, He tries to punch me but I use my powers to block it and push his chest sending him sliding across the floor on his back "Oh I am so sorry Loki" I crouch beside him scared I hurt him. "I'm Ok Raven its part of sparring" He says getting up "Ready to go again?" He asks, I take a run at him and lunge for him hoping to jump onto him but instead I go right through him "That's Cheating!"

"No it's called an advantage" He smirks "But I can't do that" I whine "Use your powers mess with your enemy" He smiles "Does it work?" I ask "Well Thor hates it" He laughs "I don't think I can do a clone"

"No but you can do other things"

"Yeah I can" I smile "Show me" I run at Loki use my powers to push myself off the ground, Land behind him and kick him in the back sending him to the floor. "Very good!" He gets up and hugs me "Lady Raven!" Thor walks in smiling "Why are you here" Loki glares "Just to see how things are going" He smiles "Oh we found Bucky in the warehouse like you said"

"Where is he now?" I ask worried "He's in a bulletproof cell he can't get out of until Wanda gets him out of his Soldier state he's rather aggressive" I smile "Good keep him there until he's not a threat"

"Let's get back to sorting out your anger shall we? Bye Thor" Loki mumbles.

I turn to Loki and he kicks me so hard I fly into the wall but managed to use my powers to soften the blow and push off the wall like spiderman "Very smart move" Loki smiles "Thanks" I say shocked "My turn" I run at Loki and flip over him grab his shoulders and as I pull him backwards I kick him into the air it was like slow motion as he came back down I jumped up and landed on his chest feet first slamming him into the floor. "That was fun let's not do that again shall we" He coughs "How did I do?" I ask nervously "Very impressive" He comes over and kisses me "I'm kinda turned on right now" I laugh "Aww poor little Mischief" I get up and head to my room I need a shower badly.

End of chapter 7 hope you enjoyed it. Gonna start using Romanian when Bucky is in soldier mode kinda helps show what mind set he's in.


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