Home Sweet Home

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We get to my house about 20 minutes later and say goodbye to everyone before heading inside, I close the door and set up my security spells "Probably not a good idea" I groan as I feel The Soldier's gaze on my back. I finish up and go to the kitchen "Ți-e foame?" (Hungry?) I ask but he is not so talkative now and glares at me "Ok then I will make you some anyway" I make some cheeseburgers and fries.


I put his food in the fridge and go get him some pillows and a quilt *UK version of bedspread* "Ok food is in the fridge, Here are your pillows and cover oh and the sofa pulls out into a sofa bed I am sure you know how that works. Tv is all yours I have one in my room what's mine is yours I guess" I go to the kitchen and grab my food before going to my room.


I put my TV on and text Tony.

R: Hey Tony it's going ok so far he is back to silently glaring at me and it's kinda making me uncomfortable.

T: I thought he was doing better? It doesn't matter you have to deal with it, He is linked to you I am sure he will lighten up.

I groan and eat my food as I watch TV.


About 10 minutes later I finish my food and get my PJ's on, I put on some Blue flannel shorts and a Black tank top. I grab my plate and head to the kitchen.


"GAH!" I walk out of my room and The Soldier is freaking creeping outside my door! "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" I yell a bit louder than I meant to, He grabs my throat and forces me up against the wall.

"Am să vă zdrobesc corzile vocale și să vă asigurați că nu mai puteți țipa din nou!" (I am going to crush your vocal cords and make sure you can't scream again!) I drop my plate and use my powers to throw him off of me, I quickly duck back into my room and do a security spell on my room.

R: Tony I can not do this!

T: What now?

R: He was creeping outside my room and when I screamed he grabbed my throat and threatened to crush my vocal cords! I had to use my powers to throw him off me And I locked myself in my room.

T: Fine I will send Cap in the morning.

R: Thank you!

I get into bed and after I make sure the link is strong I fall asleep.

I know this chapter was short the next couple will be but I have about 3 I am just typing up now.


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