A Kiss

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I get a taxi home contemplated going to the hospital but decided against it "That's £15.45" I take some money out of my pocket and hand it to him "Thank you" I smile at him and head into my house.


I go sit on my sofa and try to think how I am going to fix my shoulder myself, I check my phone and I have A LOT of texts and missed calls. I have 5 missed calls from Tony, 3 from Cap, 3 from Wanda and 2 from Clint.


Tony: Raven where are you?!

Are you safe?

I need you to answer me!

I won't force you to talk to Barton.

If I do not hear from you soon I am sending a freaking search party!

Cap: Raven are you ok?

Bucky didn't mean it he can't control it.

Please don't give up on him.

Wanda: Hey are you ok?

Everyone is worried about you.

Come on Raven please talk to me you are like my sister.

Clint: Hey I think we should talk.

Are you ok? I heard a snap.

Loki is sulking, Thor's worried.

Unknown Number: So easy to break hmm I wonder how easy it will be for me to get my hands on you.

I throw my phone on the table and lay back "What the hell am I going to do" I groan and doze off.


'I've become so numb' I am woken up by my phone ringing, I look at the I.D Unknown "Great" I answer cautiously "Lady Raven is that you?" I let out a sigh of relief only Thor "Hey Thor yeah It's me" He mumbles something to someone quietly "How are you feeling?" He says softly "Honestly not great my shoulder is still dislocated" I groan as it twinges "Did you not go to a what's it called H-Hospital?" I laugh "I thought about it but no I was too tired" I hear him mumble again "Thor who are you talking too?" He coughs "W-What I-you I'm talking to you of course"

"Uh huh Ok then well I have to go" I hang up and start to cry the pain becoming unbearable, Everything starts to go blurry as I pass out.


KNOCK BANG KNOCK I'm woken up by someone at my door "Who the hell knocks like that?" I whine as I answer the door "Thor?Loki?" They walk by me and wait until I close the door. "Lady Raven" Thor kisses my hand "Easy big guy" I laugh and hug him "Ow" I groan and move back holding my shoulder "Raven you have to get that fixed" Loki says concerned "I don't want to go to a hospital" I groan "Ok come with me" He grabs my good hand and leads me to my room "Loki wh-"

"Take your sweater off" I blush "O-Ok" I take off my sweater and look away as I am now in my off the shoulder top, He gasps "Oh you should have fixed it sooner" I look in the mirror and see a huge black bruise covering my shoulder "Oh wow" He makes me sit on the bed "This is going to hurt" He warns me and pushes my shoulder back in place "AH!OW!FUCK!" I scream and start crying "Y-You d-d-dick!" He hugs me "I know" He comforts me "WHAT HAPPENED!?" Thor barges in "H-He fixed m-my a-arm" I stutter through my tears. "Oh I'm just-I will be out here" he runs out "Idiot" Loki mumbles "Be nice" I mumble into his shoulder "Raven look at me" I look into Loki's eyes, He wipes my tears away and cups my face I lean in and our lips meet. I can't say much more it feels amazing he is such a good kisser! We start to really get into it- BANG! I jump away from Loki "Lady Raven I must take my leave brother are you staying?" Thor smiles "hm staying" Thor nods and leaves. "Um I-I need t-to s-shower" I mumble, run to the bathroom and lock the door "Oh my god!" I sigh and go take a shower.

End of chapter hope you enjoy it still playing with Raven and Loki for a while.


Soldier Mode (The Winter Soldier/OC fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora