Out Of His Cell

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"Gah!" I scream and fall off the bed "Ugh I am so glad the covers came off with me" I groan as Loki laughs hysterically "Shut up" I blush wrapping the covers around my body and laying back down on the bed. "So what did you want?" He smirks and lays beside me "How did it go with The Soldier?" I laugh "I would have better luck running into a brick wall" He laughs "That bad huh? Well don't run into a wall you are too pretty for that" I blush "Ok your compliments are killing me, I am too tired right now" He leans down and kisses me "Goodnight Raven" He smirks and walks out, I get my PJs on and go back to bed.


I am pinned to the floor by Loki and he has one of his daggers to my throat! "L-Loki why are you doing this!?" He laughs but not the happy and cheerful laugh I am used to, This laugh is dark and menacing "Come now Raven you didn't really think I had feelings for you did you? Oh you did, Well simply put I was using you as a plaything and now I'm bored" He slashes my throat.

(End Of Nightmare)

I wake up curled in a ball on the floor? Wait floor!? I sit up looking around "AGH!" The Soldier is crouched by the door of his cell glaring at me! I take a breath and cross my legs "I am so glad I put some PJs on" I mumble rubbing my face "Ai văzut cum am ajuns aici?" (Did you see how I got here?) He glares and stays silent "Haide, spune-mi, de ce trebuie sa fii atat de dificil?" (Oh come on just tell me, Why do you have to be so difficult?) He leans closer to the glass "Imaginați-vă singur" (Figure it out by yourself) I glare back at him and stand up "Well you are as helpful as ever aren't you" I groan and head to find Tony whilst ignoring The Soldiers gaze on my back.

"Jarvis where is Tony?" I walk into an elevator "He is in his lab 4 floors up" I push the button "Thank you Jarvis" Oh no the elevator stops 1 floor before mine "Shit" I mumble as the door opens "Raven?" My heart jumps remembering the dream I had I run out of the elevator and take the stairs.


"Hey Tony" I smile walking into the lab and hugging him "I um need a favor" He smirks "Of course you do, What now?" I laugh "I woke up outside The Soldier's cell I have no idea how I got there and he would not tell me, Can I see the camera footage?" He nods "Of course". We look over the footage and see me sleepwalking from my room down to the cells and then laying on the floor before falling into a deep sleep "Jarvis call Loki in" I panic inside "No need already here" Loki smirks as he walks in "Look at this" Stark shows Loki what we saw "Could that have something to do with the link?" Tony asks "It definitely could have I mean that only usually happens if the people were close before" I groan feeling very uncomfortable "Ok good to know haha I gotta go now bye" I spazz out and run back to my room.


I get into my room, Grab a couple of towels and go shower.

About 30 minutes later I get out of the shower and go get dressed in my training clothes. A pair of black shorts, A grey sports bra with a black tank top on top and my sneakers. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and get ready to leave "Jarvis please ask Cap to meet me in the training room" I say and head downstairs.


I walk into the training room and Cap is using a punching bag "Hey Cap" I smile walking over to him "Raven you wanted to talk to me?" I nod "Yeah can we do that training like now?" He smiles "Yeah, Sure".

We walk over to the middle of the floor "Ready?" He asks and I nod. I run at him and try to tackle him to the floor obviously that doesn't go well and he easily restrains me, So this time I try another route and I throw a punch that actually connects with his jaw "That was good!" He smiles at me as we get ready to go again I run toward him and jump over him landing behind him and kicking his knees out but as he comes down he grabs my head/neck and flips me onto the ground in front of him. I start to feel extremely dizzy as I stand up my body starts convulsing and shaking "Raven!" Cap yells as I fall to the floor "S-S-Sol-dier!" I gasp before passing out.

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