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I wake up and call Tony just to make sure Cap is definitely coming today.

R: Hey I mean Morning uh I really hate to be a pain but is Cap on his way?

I mumble like an idiot.

T: Ugh Powerhouse did you even look at the time?

It is 10 am Lazy ****!

R: Tony it is 10 am you lazy sod! I'm pretty sure everyone else is up right now.

T: Raven you may not know this but smart people like me need more sleep.

I laugh and start making fun of him.

R: Tony you don't need sleep you need a new brain, Is Cap on his way or not?

T: He's probably been out since 6 am running, Call him yourself.

I hang up and call Cap.

R: Hey Cap are you on your way?

C: Yes Ma'am I should be there in about an hour.

R: An hour!? Sorry it's fine let's hope he doesn't kill me in the meantime.

I hang up, Grab my housecoat and take a breath "Ok I will be fine" I mumble and try to sneak to the kitchen.


I slowly peek my head into the living room, He is sitting on the chair reading. I get down on my knees and slowly crawl to the kitchen door, OH MY GOD THIS IS SO STUPID!

I stand up and walk into the kitchen, I act normal and make breakfast. I go to the fridge to get some food out and I notice the extras I made for The Soldier are gone but not in the bin "He ate it" I smile and make us breakfast.


"Știi că ai arătat ridicol" (You know you looked ridiculous) I jump and scream again, He walks toward me "No no Mr. Soldier please I'm sorry!" He stops and smirks "Poate ar fi distractiv la urma urmei" (Hmm you might be fun after all) I turn my attention back to the food. I am making Pancakes, Bacon and Eggs with Coffee and Orange juice for drinks "S-Soldier?" I ask cautiously "What?" He snaps "N-Nothing" I chicken out and finish plating the food.

I hear him sigh and as I turn around he has me up against the wall again! "Finalizați-vă gândul" (Finish your thought) He growls "I-It doesn't matter" I stutter "Do not think I won't hurt you" He grips my arm pretty tight "Then hurt me I do not care anymore" I snap. He leans in very close to me making me blush "Yes you do" He growls in my ear, Lets go of me and takes a seat at the table.

I use my powers to carry the plates and cups over to the table "Impresionant" (Impressive) He mumbles and actually starts eating! I smile a little and dig in.


About 30 minutes later there is a knock at the door "Hey!" I run in front of The Soldier as he makes a beeline for the door "It's ok I am expecting someone" He glares and watched me as I open the door "Hey Raven"

"Hey Cap we just had breakfast, Do you want some?" I asked walking back to the kitchen "Yeah sure" He smiles and sits at the table as does The Soldier who continues to glare "How is everything going?" Cap asks eating some bacon "Um it's ok I suppose he is a little less aggressive" The Soldier walks out "I think we are making progress" Cap smiles "Good to hear, I need to get going but I am glad he is doing well"

"Wait really? You're leaving already?"

"We have a lead on Rumlow" He holds my hand "Fine thanks for stopping by" I smile

"Just keep at it you will be fine" He smiles and leaves.

Not a second later I am forced up against the wall "L-ai sunat" (You called HIM) He growls holding my arms "Y-You threatened to crush my vocal cords of course I did!" His eyes get that dangerous look again "Data viitoare te voi răni" (Next time I will hurt you) He pushes off me and goes back to the living room. I tear up and run to my room locking the door "Why did I do this to myself!?" I scream and some books fall off the shelves.


Somehow I managed to fall asleep on the floor I take my phone out my pocket and check the time, It's 4 pm! "Ugh really" I go back to the hallway and peak around the corner again "știu că ești acolo" (I know you are there) I jump and walk to the chair "Este un lucru de soldat de iarnă?" (Is that a Winter Soldier thing?) I asked crossing my legs "Probabil că nu sunt sigur" (Probably I'm not sure) He glares "Hm want me to find out?" He looks surprised "You can do that?" He asks I nod "I can do almost anything" He looks somewhat interested "So?" I ask as he goes silent "Nu vreau nimeni în capul meu" (No I don't want anyone in my head) He growls "You can trust me Soldier"

"Nu pot avea încredere în nimeni" (I can't trust anyone) He glares and goes back to watching TV. I walk over to him and lean down looking into his eyes "You can trust me" I say softly but he jolts forward, grabs me and pins me to the floor "Listen to me very carefully I can not trust anyone! He growls "Maybe that is your problem you won't even give me a chance to show you I am not a threat!" He grips my throat very tight "You are not even a blip on my radar and I know you are the furthest thing from a threat, I do not have to trust you" I use the chains to pull him off of me and go back to my room.


I put my TV on for background noise and go sit at my desk "Why does he have to be so stubborn?" I mumble as my phone rings its Tony.

T: I'm just checking you are still alive, How are things?

R: He is stubborn I tried to tell him he can trust me and he tackled me to the floor and said He can't trust anyone and that I am not even a blip on his radar.

T: Keep trying to convince him you will get through to him somehow.

R: Ok thanks Tony.

I'm bored so I call Loki.

R: Hey look I'm sorry about being so cold to you, Can you come over to talk?

L: I really am sorry to Raven I will be there in an hour, Please tell The Soldier I raise the white flag.

R: I will thank you.

I hang up and undo my security spells on my room "Soldier!" of course no response, I go back to the living room.

"S-Soldier?Loki is coming over he said he raises the white flag" He glares but nods as an ok I assume "Oh c-can I call you Iarnă?" He raises his eyebrows and smirks "Winter?" I nod "Presupun că este mai bine decât Soldierul" (I suppose it is better than Soldier) I smile "That is what I was thinking" He looks at me slightly calmer "Ok pe chestia lui Loki" (Ok on the Loki thing) I smile and sit back on the chair while we wait for Loki.

End of chapter hope you enjoyed! 


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