Raven's Time Of Month

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I wake up and I am sweating! Ugh I hate sharing a bed! I slowly turn and look at Iarnă It's adorable his face is relaxed and he is lightly snoring, I slowly get out of bed and go take a shower.


I get out of the shower 20 minutes later, Wrap a towel around my body and half towel dry my hair. "GAH!" I scream as Iarnă is right outside the door! And to make it worse my powers slammed the door in his face...I slowly open the door and smile shyly "Uh sorry about that...WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CREEPING OUTSIDE THE DOOR?!" He glares, Lifts me out of the bathroom, And goes in before closing the door "Cause that wasn't weird" I laugh as I hear the shower turn back on.

I dry my body and hair before getting dressed in Black leggings, A black tank top with a fitted sports bra, A grey hoodie, And some black and white sneakers. I'm gonna try and get Iarnă to train with me today 'Now we wait' I go and sit at my desk as I wait for Iarnă to finish showering.


Iarnă walks out of the bathroom about 10 minutes later and he's only in a towel again! "Uh I'll be in the living room!" I avoid looking at him and run out of the bedroom, I sit on a chair in the living room as I wait.


5 minutes later he walks into the living room dressed in a black long-sleeved top, Dark blue jeans and black combat boots "Ce porți?" (What are you wearing?) I laugh "Vroiam să te întreb dacă ai putea să mă antrenezi astăzi?" (I was going to ask you if you could train me today?) He raises his eyebrows "Ești sigur că mă poți ocupa?" (Are you sure you can handle me?)

"Nu chiar de asta ați fost de acord să mă faceți ușor" (Not really that's why you agreed to go easy on me) I can already tell this is not going to go well for me "Nu te voi lăsa ușor, deci ai fie o dorință de moarte și ne antrenam sau nu și o părăsim" (I will not go easy on you, So you either have a death wish and we train or you don't and we leave it) He growls "What changed? hm? Why won't you train with me now and not be a dick about it?" He backs me into the wall and glares but I suddenly get an idea. I slightly twist my foot around Iarnă's and punch him in the ribs, He does not even move an inch and I growl "I hate you, you know that?" I groan and slide down the wall so I can sit on the floor "You punched me in the ribs and I'm the bad guy?" He smirks "I was trying to do something, Anything to show you I can handle training with you!" I cover my face and growl "Why are you being so difficult? Why do you not want to train me now?" My eyes tear up but He sighs and moves away from me 'Back to the silent treatment huh?' I get up and go back into the bathroom to wash my face.


I finish drying my face and my stomach growls so I head to the kitchen to make breakfast for me and Iarnă.


I walk into the kitchen very self-conscious as I feel Iarnă's glare on me. I go to the fridge and grab some Eggs, Bacon, Sausages, Orange juice and Milk for Coffee. I start making the food and I feel Iarnă watching my every move.


Iarnă finally left the kitchen about 5 minutes ago and I am just using my powers to plate the food and take it over to the table, "Iarnă food!" I yell and a few seconds later he storms in, Sits at the table And digs in all whilst remaining silent. I make 2 cups of coffee and hand him his "Still not talking?" I ask and I'm answered with a glare "Guess not" I groans and eat my food.


Getting ever so slightly annoyed by his silence I finish eating and take my coffee to my room with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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