najee & chesta

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Black Pudding Babe💞🍑would like to FaceTime...

"Helloooo," Bobby greeted Sanai, setting the phone against his laptop screen, "what's up?"

"They were playing Najee in the supermarket today and I instantly thought of you," she replied, "I remembered you said you liked him."

"Aw," he smiled, typing away in his Word document. Najee was a world renown saxophonist, and it was pretty dope that she actually remembered him telling her that. A lot of people didn't know Jazz like how Bobby knew it, so it was refreshing to know Sanai knew a lot about it too and they shared the same taste in music.

"I did. Somebody's auntie saw me jammin' and she was like 'whatchu know about this?' I'm sorry lady I don't know a damn thing."

He chuckled. "You're cute, San."

"Thank yew," she grinned, "what are you doing?"

"Finishing a little report that's due next week," he replied with a slight grimace, "they're trying to get me to hold a conference out in Philly next month and I dunno if I wanna do it."

"Ain't you the one who likes to travel?"

"I liked it because I was in D.C. and I didn't wanna be in that apartment by myself. I'm coolin' now, but maybe I should go. I want a cheesesteak."

"You're going to Philly for a cheesesteak?" she inquired.

"They're bomb. Authentic."

She shook her head. "If you say so, bring me one please."

"Heard you," he replied, "what are you doing?"

"Just finished selling a few art pieces," she was gone from the camera for a few seconds before coming back, "my cat is on some games right now."

"You actually got one from the shelter?" he asked knowing Sanai had been eyeing this cat she saw in the animal shelter a few days ago. He wasn't a cat person, but he sort of also wanted something in his house. He did get lonely often.

"Mhm. His name is Chesta."


"Word," she confirmed with a bright smile, "he's so small I have to watch him so he doesn't die or anything—hey, no. Stop, Chesta."

"Lemme see him," Bobby stopped his work and looked at the empty chair on the other line.

"Come 'ere, kitty," he heard her coo in a high pitched voice, "ah, there we go. Let's say hi to Bobby."

"Oh, he looks like a little fluffy tiger," Bobby smiled.

"Right. I love him already," Sanai let the kitten gnaw on her finger, "I have to go back to Petsmart later, but I just went to get him food."

"He's cute. You know what kind of cat he is?"

"Yeh. Said a Maine Coon or something. He's so fluffy!" she gushed, kissing Chesta's head, "ugh, I love him."

"Glad you got a pet. I have yet to get one."

"Have you ever had one?" She questioned, getting out a notepad and pen.

"I did growing up. The one I had with Moriah was more hers than mine. I hated that cat, so her mom took him."

"You don't like cats?" Sanai furrowed her brows, "Bob. Man, and I thought this face would have you come down more often. Right, Chesta?"

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