soups & cramps

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"Why do you hate me, Robert?"

Bobby groaned, putting a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. Currently, Bobby was on the phone with his mother, Kisi, who was very disappointed that her oldest son "neglected" her while he was overseas. Both of Bobby's parents were Ghanaian, so of course he was about to receive an earful from his mom.

"I don't hate you. Oh my God—"

"Do not bring God into this," Kisi said disapprovingly, "you live a life of sin."

"Mom!" he gasped.

"Mom!" She mocked, giggling at his face.

Bobby sighed, looking at her on the phone. "Are you done?"

"No. What you doin'?"

"I'm finishing up some reports for work."

"Am I interrupting?"


"Don't care!" she laughed loudly, "where is this girl that keeps you away from me?"

"Why should I tell you? Meanie," he stuck his tongue out at her.

"Sanai!" Kisi yelled loud enough to scare his dog off the couch.

"Would you please—"


"Mom, stop before I get evicted," he scolded.

"The lies you tell. You own it."

"You don't know what I got," Bobby stood to his feet and went into the kitchen where Sanai was, probably thinking of something to cook.


"Mom," Bobby rolled his eyes. Sanai was bent over the counter, reading from a cookbook. "Babe."

"Huh?" She looked up from the cookbook, her eyes glossy.

Bobby frowned. "Are you good?"

"Cramps," she replied quietly, squatting until her bottom hit the floor.

"You need something?"

"That heating pad, please."

"I'll be back. Talk to my mom."

"Ooh, Kisi!" Sanai took his phone and smiled at his mom, "eti sen?"

"Whaaaat?" Kisi said in surprise.

"That's all the Twi I know," Sanai replied with a laugh. As they continued talking, Bobby went to go look for a heating pad. He kept one here specifically for Sanai, just for this reason. He found the heating pad a few moments later, entering the kitchen again and connecting it to an outlet closer to her. Bobby knew she was going to be on this floor for a minute.

"No, no, my dad is from Portugal and my mom is from Jamaica," Sanai replied, "but she lived in the UK."

"Ohhh," Bobby's mom nodded in understanding.

"She met him while she was on vacation in South America and didn't leave for a few years after they met."

"That is cute," Kisi said, smiling, "and where were you born?"

"Portugal. Like two years later. Then, he wanted to get out of Portugal so they went back to Manchester," she explained further.

"Do you celebrate Christmas?"

"Um, no. I don't. Well, I am pretty festive with the gifts and ugly sweaters. I just give my mom and my best friend a gift because it's just that season."

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