tulips & tigerlillies

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"What kind of flowers y'all like?"

"I like tulips."

Jelisa gave William the side eye before puffing out a breath and crossing her arms.

"What? I do."

"What, I do?" She mocked, making a face and scoffing. For the past two hours, the couple had been arguing over what they wanted at their wedding next year. They disagreed on colors, themes, centerpieces, even things as simple as what went on top of the wedding cake.

"Lisa," William groaned, putting a hand to his head. Bobby watched the two in amusement while Sanai was scanning over a book of bouquets. "Bro, we been disagreeing over every damn thing and we're getting nowhere."

"It's not my fault you have terrible taste," she replied with crossed arms.

"And it's not my fault you picky as shit."

"Hey, guys, chill," Sanai sat up on the stool and looked at them both, "I found some nice ass flowers in this book and we're going to find something y'all both like. Jelisa, you don't even have a flower you want."

"I'd rather not have one than have fucking tulips and tigerlillies."

"The tigerlillies were a joke," Bobby defended himself, "damn. Shit."

"Okay, whatever," William took the flower book from Sanai, fed up with this whole ordeal, "we know we both want white flowers, correct?"

"Yeah," Jelisa was beyond irritated for some reason, and it was affecting everyone because Bobby and Sanai didn't want her to snap. William, however, didn't care at all.

He literally had said, "She can go off all she wants but we still gettin' this shit done today."

"What about these?" William pointed at a picture.

Jelisa bit her lip, then glared at him. "Carnations, William?"


"Will—" Sanai tried to save him but Jelisa was already ahead of her.

"Are you fucking serious? We're not going to prom, we're going to our wedding! I'm not sixteen."

"You got a attitude like one," he retorted, quirking a brow as if he was wondering who she was talking to. Their little arguments were amusing because neither one of them ever backed down. At all.

"Yeah, this isn't happening today," Jelisa hopped down from the stool and walked out.

"Yes the fuck it is," William slammed the thick book down and followed her, "I'm not postponing this shit another day!"

"Alright!" Bobby heard her screech, imagining them walking upstairs to argue even more, "then go to the wedding by yourself, dumbass."

"Say that shit to my face—"


"Fuck you, Lisa!"

"Fuck you, too!" she sang. Sanai snorted, covering her mouth as they continued to argue upstairs. Bobby's eyes were raised as he looked through a book full of wedding dresses, surprised at how their fight escalated.

"Poor babies," Sanai, said, texting on her phone, "they must be stressed."

"They're trying to get shit done too quickly quickly instead of taking their time," he flipped a page, "and Jelisa's probably pregnant."

"How would you know?" she looked up at him questioningly.

"Just a hunch," he shrugged, "she's wildin' more than usual. And I'm smart."

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