Chapter 1

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Two weeks after Mother's death:

I'm standing infront of the school again. I haven't stood here since the first day of my transfer. I insisted I was okay to go back to school immediately after but Mrs. Hyoo strongly pushed for me to rest at home.

'Promise me you'll always be happy'

Those last few words from my mother echoed in my head since her death. My heart clenches at the thought but I look up and fix my face into a smile.

I walk into the school building.

Despite being 30 minutes early till the first bell, the halls are fairly occupied.

I go to my locker and enter the combination.

"You're Eun Hyemi, right?" An unfamiliar voice says from behind me.

"Yes. Can I help you," I say as I turn to her direction.

Just then, she embraces my in a hug. I don't know what's goin g on but I hug back.

"I'm so sorry," she says as she rubs comforting circles on my back.

"What for?" I curiously ask.

"I heard about your mother and I've been through that situation before," she says before releasing me and standing up straight. "I'm Lee Shinhwa. You can always come to me if you ever need to talk to anybody. Or even if you just want company," she says while looking up at me with moist eyes.

A tear streaks her face.

"I'm alright," I smile as I wipe the tear from her cheek with my thumb. "But I do feel the need of a best friend for this new school," I giggle.

Her eyes widen and she enthusiastically jumps.

"Me! I will! Count on me, Eun Hyemi!" She shouts and I calm her down a little by holding her shoulders down so she won't continue to jump.

"Just Hyemi will do," I say while laughing at her actions.

"Yes ma'am, Just Hyemi, ma'am," she playfully salutes and I continue to smile. "Oh, by the way, I'm in your class and we should start heading there in about~ now," she checks her watch then grabs my arms and sprints with me towards our classroom.

As we sprint, a guy catches my attention. His charismatic and genuine smile catches me and makes my heart skip a beat. Is this... having a crush? I've never had one before.

Shinhwa and I arrive to class ten minutes early, proving it unnecessary to run, but we did so anyways.

Before the late bell is about to ring, a group of seven guys slam the door of the classroom open and drag themselves into the classroom. One of those seven is the one that caught my attention before. I unconsciously stare at him as he follows the rest of the guys.

"Aren't they cute?" I hear Shinhwa say from her seat behind me.

"Definitely," I say without thinking but then I snap out of it.

"Which is your bias? Mine is Taehyung," she says, practically drooling.

"Which one is Taehyung?" I say.

She gives a shocked expression but she relaxes, probably after the fact that I was only barely at this school for a mere one day sinks into her mind.

"The one with the light brown hair," she says while discreetly pointing at the guy I had my eyes on.

"Oh," is all I said before class started.


The thought of writing this story kinda makes me wanna cry. It's gonna be such an emotional roller coaster. Just wait for it.

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