Chapter 7

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After hearing what Yoongi said, I feel something warm roll down my cheeks.

I am fully aware of what that warmth came from, and I don't like it.

I harshly bring my arms up to my face and attempt to wipe the infinite stream flowing down from my eyes.

Yoongi grabs my arm, gently though, as if I were a fragile flower, and anything can cause my petals to wither any time.

After grabbing holds of my arms, he pulls my into his warm embrace, stroking the back of my head and whispering comforting word.

"Just let it all out. It's not good to hold so much emotions in," he coos, then whispers soft shhs as our chins rest against each other's shoulders.

I sniffle and put my cries to an immediate halt. We both pull back from the distance and before I could turn and leave the rooftop, he grabs the sides of my arm and pulls me into a hug.

I gasp with surprise and the fast intake of air makes me cough. As I'm in a coughing fit, Yoongi pats his hand in between my shoulder-blades, comforting my wild emotions and prevent ing me from hacking up my lungs.

After what feel like an eternity, I lift my arms to hug him back but before I could get my grip, Yoongi releases his hold and let's out a nervous chuckle.

"Sorry," is all he says before slowly exiting the rooftop. Me? I'm just standing in the center of the concrete, my mind running and turning cogs.


It's been a week since that hug with Yoongi and I. I would always try to talk to him, but he would turn away, as I would always catch a tint of red tainting his ear. When I would try to make him face me, he would make an excuse then walk away.

Does he hate me?

What was that hug for then?

I don't really want to admit it but... that hug made me feel pain. A good kind of pain. A pain where you know someone is gone, but there's another that is there for you.

I... liked it.


I go to my locker and shove my books from my previous class on a shelf and I grab my earbuds.

It's break and I skip the trip to the cafeteria, knowing Yoongi wouldn't eat if I sat at the table. Good thing I chose to bring a pork bun from home this morning.

I go outside, not caring about my terrible allergies, and insert each earbud in my ears, turning going to ARTISTS in iTunes and shuffling Day6 (Stan these boys. I love them) and 누군가 필요해 I Need Somebody begins to play.

Flashbacks of me entering the hospital and my mother in her weak state is playing in my mind as the music plays in my ear. I close my eyes, but that didn't stop the tears from falling.

"Darn these allergies," I say to myself, using my sweatshirt's sleeves to roughly wipe my eyes.

Suddenly, I feel something or somebody hold my arm, stopping me from swiping my tears away. Taking my hand and opening the fisted form, the person hands me a handkerchief.

I try to look up to see who to thank, but my tears make my vision too blurry to make out the sugar-toned person. Using the handkerchief to dry my eyes, I look back up to see Yoongi and a concerning look testing on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asks seriously.

"Allergies," I manage to speak out. "And this song hits the feels."

Yoongi takes a seat beside me and removes an earbud from one of my ears and puts it into his own.

Slightly nodding his head to the next song I Loved You, he smiles when the vocalists start off the lyrics.

I just stare at his closed eyes. We're listening to the same song together, resulting in our heartbeat matching beats at the same rhythm, the same time to the beat of the music.

I doubt our heartbeats are the same. My heart seems to be thumping really fast for some reason.

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