Chapter 15

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The resolve to a place to stay is is a motel just eight blocks away from school. The place is nice and the price isn't so bad for a lonely teenager like me. I landed myself a job as a waitress and barista at a cafe near the motel as well, hooding the pay and hours I put in will be enough to pay rent on time.

Two weeks has passed and I become oblivious to my surroundings. The people I've once called my friends has stopped talking to me and I sit alone, outside under a big, shady tree during lunch. Yoongi used to persist and try to get me to talk to him, but whenever I stop him coming towards me, I turn to the opposite direction and wait in the nearest girl's bathroom, hoping for the best one I step my way out.

He seems to have given up his wild goose-chase lately, considering I haven't seen him in a very fair amount of time.

Passing through the hallway today can be more relaxing than it is right now. I mean- I understand that it is high school and all but today, there is a gossip overload.

Everybody is gathered around their or their friend's lockers in a group or a pair and whispering loud enough for passerbys to easily make out what they're saying.

"Have you heard? Yoongi is going to court with his father who came back for custody over him," I hear a pair of two brunettes whisper beside my locker. I lean myself closer, now highly interested in the topic they're discussing.

What can I say? Curiosity killed the cat.

"Yoongi and his aunt is fighting against his father for Yoongi's right of being able to put a restraining order against his father. I heard that Yoongi's father is a murderer," they 'whisper' to each other.

I may have said that I am going to stay away from Yoongi and create distance, but honestly, all I've been doing is getting myself to miss his comfort and warmth even more. His words of wisdom is what helped me fight through the negative thoughts that would evilly pop its way into my head.

Yoongi has trusted me enough to tell me about his family. The problems about his dark past and what made him approach me. His father doesn't deserve to kill the light that Yoongi continues to spark with the hope that everything will be okay. That everything that has been destroyed by his own father will be filled in.

Now that I think of it, I'm did no different to him from what his father did to him. Sure, I didn't commit abuse or anything else below that, but I did pinch a little fire of hope inside him. I strongly assume we both like each other from the kiss we had weeks back, but I pushed him away.

I did to him what I was scared of other people doing to me.

"Oh no. I'm a monster," I mumble to myself. Getting up from the dewy grass, I briefly wipe a knowing wet stain on my butt and pack my lunch as quick as I can manage.

Slinging my school bag over my shoulder, I run to the west part of the school fence and look over at the 160 centimeter wooden planks and assess ways to get over. It's not that high. I have a skill for high jumps to bring to my advantage. Being able to jump over a gate like this will be a piece of cake with splinters implanted but hey, what's there to lose.

Though, I do have a big fear of needles, and what are similar to needles? Splinters. What's worse about splinters are that they stay inside you until you have necessary tools to be able to remove them.

Pushing the thought aside, I take my risk and jump, getting a grip on the top of the fence with my arms straightened beneath me and I use my upper body strength (not that I have any to brag about) and fling myself to the other side, feeling pangs of fire shoot up both my hands and stinging at the pain but I ignore it as I try to register which direction to turn to so I can get to Yoongi's apartment in a short amount of time.

There isn't a dire need to rush, but when the realization of me being a hypocritical bitch towards Yoongi threw itself at me in the face with a brick, I have an urgent need to apologize and make it up to him, anxiety eating at itself.

Sprinting, I make it to his hotel at record time for the distance being about 150 meters away (twenty minutes but what can I say, I'm not very fond of athleticism).

Huffing from exhaust and dragging my tired form towards the unfortunate greeting man who has to experience the horrible image of a zombie me crawling it's way into the building he works at may disgust him, considering the mixture of surprise and fear jumbled into his usually solemn expression.

"Keep up the good work," I wheeze our, earning a more terrified feature crossing the poor boy's face. Was that a double chin exposed to me? No time to think.

I stumble my way towards the elevator and hit the button to the floor I remember Yoongi being in, shifting back and forth to show my impatience.

"Is it me, or does the elevator like to go slow when the time is urgent?" I question to myself. "And is it normal to talk to yourself when you're in dire need to tell someone about your problems?"

Wow this is weird. I really should have just continued to write inside Mom's journal.


Yes! A ding! The stupid elevator music does not fulfill it's job very well at entertaining is all I think about before exiting the enclosed space and walking into the familiar halls, walking down and stopping in front of very recognizable numbers.

Contemplating on my chances to a solid one minute, I choose the risky path and jab my finger against the doorbell.

The music rings through my hearing and the door stays for excruciating minutes, testing my patience.

There, opening the door is a shirtless, tired looking Yoongi. He opens the door with wide eyes before collapsing himself on me, all his weight being put onto my figure. I lean myself forward so we both don't fall back, but my eyes can't help but wander to his bare back; full of scars and new cuts. Not long after, I hear a sickening crackle and I change my vision to see the source of the noise.

The man with the belt and creepy grin does not shout 'comforting'.


Double update, my sweet readers. I don't know, I think the story line is going great so far. Do you guys think I'm rushing things too much?

Really do choose to comment any critics that come to mind.

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