Chapter 20

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"Let's go home, son," Yoongi's father says as he makes his way towards Yoongi.

You stares off at his father, his eyes narrowed and his expression showing no other emotion but anger.

Yoongi turns to face me, his eyes masked with pain and zero understanding of the situation. I bet my expression says the same thing.

I place my hand on top of Yoongi's but he takes it back and follow behind his father out of the court room.

I walk towards the judge and stop him from exiting the room.

"This isn't right," I try to sound angry but the unsatisfied look on the fifty-something year old man's intimidating features make me huff out a squeak.

"That is the most I can do. Look, I wish I can help out that child but that man is his own flesh and blood. I cannot be the one to get in between such intimate relationship," he looks at me as if I'm just a misunderstanding teenager.

"Sir, you don't understand. I can tell you that I have witnessed that man's abusive ways. I cannot let Yoongi stay with a man like him," I push on but the judge begins to look irritated.

"You're just repeating the discussion we had minutes ago. I've said my opinions and all the facts and evidence rests against that boy. Nobody has the rights to take a child away from their parents," I huff out in annoyance. The look on the judge's face shows that his own personal experience has something to do about the final say for the discussion.

Reading into his expression and using my high-quality woman's intuition, I respond rather harshly.

"Look! I can see that you were taken away from your parents. They may have been loving from the memories you have of them but Yoongi's mother was killed by that man you just let him be authorized by," the judge-man looks at me with wide eyes, probably surprised that I figured out his situation and then his expression relaxes.

"There is no evidence that it was that man that killed his wife. It's claimed to be a home invasion and robbery. I rest my case," the judge makes his way past me and leaves my at the empty court room speechless.


It's been a week since the declaration at court and Yoongi hasn't came to school since then. I am beyond worried and concerned but when I visited Yoongi's apartment a few days ago, it seemed that he moved out. I try to call him but his phone is off or he just hangs up right away. He is so going to get it the next time I see him for making me worry this much.

Walking to my own apartment, I find a familiar, yet unrecognizable, figure sitting with his back against my door and he is balled up with his head down. I really hope this isn't who I think he is. He looks so frail. His arms as thin as weak twigs and his skin is whiter than sugar - if that's even possible.

"Um, ex-excuse me?" I successfully grab the attention of the fragile boy in front of my and he lifts his head to expose me to his grieved expression.

As I expected; it's Yoongi.

"Let's get you inside," I attempt to say calmly but my insides are boiling with frustration. I'm frustrated at myself for not being able to help this boy who's leaning on me to walk. What has happened to him while I didn't occupy his side?

Suddenly, all his weight collapses on me and I almost fall over with him.

He fainted?

Gosh, I am so lucky I've visited the gym recently.

I sit him down on a nearby chair and get him to lean on my back so he can piggy-back ride me. The weight of this boy is frightening. It's like a sack of pillows lying on my back. He must've collapsed from malnutrition.

I make way to my car and set him down gently on the passenger seat, buckling him up and sitting him comfortably on the leather seat.

"Hang in there. I'll get you to the hospital in no time," I say to no one in particular but I just as Yoongi's hand grips on mine resting on the steering wheel.

"No. They're going to ask about my guardian and..." he heaves in exhaustion and I stop him from talking as I turn the car engine off.

"Okay. Let's go back and get a meal resting in your belly," I unbuckle myself and Yoongi follows shortly after.

I walk around the car and open his door, taking a hold of his arm to assure myself that if he falls, I'll be there to catch him again.

"Don't let me go ever again," he mumbles under his breath. The vulnerability in his voice seeps into my heart and a squeezing feeling takes its grip.

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