Chapter 14

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My heavy eyelids slowly open to face another, making me jump in shock a little. My half-asleep mind takes its time to process why a sleeping Yoongi is lying beside me and finally, it clicks.

I slept over last night.

Dad... left me.

Oh gosh. The thought of the event that happened yesterday puts a dam at my eyes to attempt to hold back the salty tear pursuing to be released. I have no other family member living close by, considering that I just moved here away from relatives.

I think the wall is broken. I'm sorry Mom, but I don't think I'll be able to keep our promise. I hope you forgive me.

Guilt and depression eats it's way to my mind and the dam cracks and falters until it finally withers away against my command.

The stream silently falls down the side of my face as I lay to my right, forgetfully unaware about facing Yoongi. My vision is blurry as I feel a thumb swipe against my right temple and wiping away some remnants of the chemicaled fluid.

"What's wrong?" I hear from the familiarly comforting voice as a new wall is built and tears surround my vision. I feel arms wrap around the side of my waist and pull my curled figure closer to himself.

"Why... why me?" I repeat from yesterday. Seriously, I don't understand what I've done wrong.

"Life is full of unexpected turns. Sometimes, you just have to take steps back to be able to move forward," he wisely tells. The perfect statements he uses to respond to my situations is a wonder to me of how they are always to helpful, but I never question it. The comfort it brings excels any other stress-relieving factors that exists.

"You always know what to state," I deadpan, briefly wiping my now crust-filled eyes from the drying tears.

"That's only because I used to tell myself this everyday," he says confidently. Now, with the ability to now see his expressions, his face is masked as a strong looking boy who is willing to help, but his eyes tell the story of a boy who has a space in his heart that needs to be filled.

"Don't let me go," I melt into his embrace and take in his scent, the comforting aroma of mint and vanilla enters my system and puts me in a trance, giving me the false idea that everything is okay.

Everything is gonna be okay.


"Everything is gonna be okay!" Shinhwa echos herself, sympathy laced liked thick braids through every word.

"It's alright, Shinhwa. I've already gone through most of the grieving stage," I falsely reassure, the lie is obvious but it sneaks past her like newborn ninjas.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there right there and then," she pouts, taking myself in her tight and suffocating grip.

"Jeez girl," I try to joke. "Are you comforting me or are you trying to k-" before I can finish the sentence, flashes of both my parents being taken away in front of my flashes it's unwanted memories through me and I shiver in response. Why did I take those words so lightly. They are heavy burdens that nobody should go through.

What causes these burdens? Attachment? The pain of losing someone you love hurts. It hurts a lot.

Maybe... maybe being alone isn't so bad after all.

"Hyemi... what's wrong?" Shinhwa pulls me out of my thoughts and my eyes glazed over; emotionless.

A feeling of a switch just flips a whole 180⚬ and my emotions feel numb. My heart clenches, but not because it's hurt or feeling anything, a wall is built, emotions and feeling are put inside, and a solemn look rests on my facial features.

"Excuse me," I say, monotonous as I walk past the new best friend I have made about two months ago and head straight to my locker.

Eyes are put on me, glued as if I am a mysterious silhouette that people get paid to figure out. The news about my dad has probably already spreaded around the school, both parents leaving me behind in the dirt.

"Hey, Hyemi. What's up?" Taehyung arrives directly in front of me, seemingly trying to black my way to my desired destination. Why can't people leave me alone. When I needed their comfort yesterday, they never came, and now, when I want to be alone, everybody I seem to know is trying to comfort me. Now?

"Excuse me," I say once again, trying to reach past him, but he takes a step to where I try to move past and block my route once again.

"Are you okay?" He cautiously questions, cocking his head slightly to the side to emphasize his curiosity.

"Just great, my mom passed away two months ago and yesterday, my dad was announced dead. This little orphan is just great!" I sarcastically huff. The rare piece of sarcasm catches Taehyung off guard and his eyes widen exceedingly, indicating his shock.

"I-I'm sorry," I hear his voice shake and look at his expression to see tears begin to build up at his eyes, his lips quiver and his hands noticeably shake.

"I'm not in the mood," I don't have the willpower to comfort him right now. Heck, I'm not even able to comfort myself at the moment.


I arrive at my first classroom with the materials necessary for the course. I look around the room - being fairly empty considering I did arrive ten minutes early - and I spot someone sitting at the seat next to my assigned seat. That seat is where Shinhwa would always sit during class; being occupied by the one and only:

Min Yoongi.

As if on cue, Yoongi spots me and steadily stands from his seated position, carefully walking towards me as if one wrong move and he'll become the tiger to my eyes of a gazelle.

"Hyemi, we need to talk," he starts off slowly, continuing to take his slow steps.

"Whatever you want to say, you can say it here," the room, at the moment, holds five people including Yoongi and I so I don't see why Yoongi is making a situation sound dire.

"You made Tae cry this morning," a protective aura rises from his normally calm mood, the feel of it directed against me makes me shiver, but Yoongi doesn't seem to notice.

"I was uncomfortable. I wanted to be alone," I say, still having the desire to be alone. I know I have feelings for Yoongi. I just have to stop any interactions with him, then I won't get hurt anymore if he leaves me. When he leaves me.

"Hyemi, this isn't you. You're caring, sensitive, enjoyable, and all of the above. Why are you being like this now?" Is he seriously asking me why I'm so sad after both my parents get buried six feet under?

"I know you've been through a situation like mine. Your mother died like my mother has. They're gone. You know it, and I have to learn to accept it. We all fill spaces in our hearts differently, so maybe back off and let me do my thing my way!" I barge past him and slump down at my seat, not desiring to move anymore than I am forced to for the later day.

All I have to think of now is where I should go to after school ends, because my new house has become my new Hell.


YES! I am back and better than ever! I have an idea for how this story is going to end and unfortunately, the ending chapter isn't very far from here depending on how much I add to each chapter.

What do you guys think? Do you like short chapters or long chapters?

Don't be a silent reader! (Stories I've read has this is their chapters and I wanted to try it out ;-; haha)

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