Chapter 8

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Walking home, I think back to what happened between Yoongi and I.

I open my eyes and find Yoongi's head lying on my shoulder, my left earbud still attached to his ear.

Smiling to myself, I gently remove the music from both our ears, making sure I don't wake him up, I slide my shoulder over and replace his cushion with my hands, as I carefully place his head on the bench we were both sleeping on and make my way out of the school's territory.

As I close the distance between me and the front door of my house, I hear shattering and I heave a deep sigh. He's having an episode again.

Opening the door, I find dad crying and knocking photo frames over on our shelves. Glass from the knocked over frames are scattered across the floor and Dad's feet are bleeding as he continues to step over the glass.

"Dad, please, stop. I'm grieving as much as you are over Mom's death, but doing this isn't going to resolve anything," I softly try to lead my dad to the right mindset, but his mind is too blurred with grief to cooperate.

"You don't understand. She was my life. She- she was what kept me happy throughout the year. She's gone. SHE'S GONE," he starts yelling and kicking the glass on the floor.

I attempt to make my way to Dad, keeping my shoes on to lower the possibility of getting an external wound from what was made to lie on the floor.

Before I'm able to get to dad, his broad figure falls to the floor. Luckily, his body lands at the part of the floor where not much of the glass was scattered to.

Before his body bleeds out, and after I try to process what's just happened infront of me, I rapidly grab my phone from my butt-pocket and dial for the ambulance.

They make it to the house five minutes later, but Dad is already unconscious and lying in his own little puddle of blood.

As I've been waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the clock seemed to have been moving slower as I've cleared the glass that surround Dad's figure. I try to avoid looking at him, the pain that I imagine is too unbearable to see another one that I love suffer.

The ambulance takes both Dad and I to the closest hospital to our neighborhood, but some time is lost, and Dad has lost a large amount of blood.

I'm looking at Dad being pierced with needles to transfer and add blood to his system. As the needle is being inserted into his arm, I feel as if the needle is piercing my heart instead of Dad's arm. The scene makes my stomach feel queasy as I see doctors and nurses try to clean his cuts and stitch up the deep wounds.

"Miss, can I speak to you?" I jump at the sound of another, but ignore the presence, continuing to watch the medical scene happening infront of me.

"Miss, please. I need to ask questions," I feel a hand be placed on my shoulder and I flinch at the touch.

"Alright," is all I say before he leads me to sit down on benches that are typically for people waiting.

"What happened?" thinking of the answer is me thinking of my mother, and that brings me grief, so I choose not to answer.

"Has an event recently happened for his to act this way?" A scene of Mom's funeral plays in my mind. In that image, I'm scared, I'm sad, I mourned, but I kept silence and managed not to cry.

If I didn't cry then, I don't plan of losing the war now.

Slowly, I nod my head to truthfully answer the doctor's question and he sighs as he gets up for. His former position.

"I assumed as much. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your father seemed to have had depression for a while now," the doctor breaks the news, it's as if I don't know.

But I do.

I've known about it. He's taken Mom's death to a different approach than I did.


Going to school today seems very vague. Walking through the halls, everything around me felt like it isn't real. Like nothing around me is real.

I continue to wander the halls, despite bumping into an uncountable number of people. Some got mad at the beginning, but seeing who it was that bumped into them makes the expression in their eyes change.

From anger... to pity.

It's school, but today, I broke my promise with Mom.

I couldn't smile.

As I numbly wander the halls, I spot Mr. Jeong once again.

(Reminder: Mr. Jeong is the assistant principal from Prologue)

Me. Jeong blocks my path from continuing forward, so I lift my head up to catch eye-contact with him.

"Mrs. Hyoo wants to see you, Hyemi," is all he says before taking the lead to arriving to the Principle's Office.

As I come inside, I see a familiar image. An image like the first day of arriving to school and receiving orders to go to the hospital.

As Ms. Hyoo lifts her head from her thinking position, I see a change. Something I didn't see from the news of my mother's tragic accident.

There, reflecting in Ms. Hyoo's eyes, is pity. The same looks I get while passing by the halls. The look I got from the doctors.


And I hate it.

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