Goodness I've Been Shot/Tagged

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•Mention who tagged you: PiperQueen274
•Do it in less than 3 days
•Say 10 things about you:
-I act stupid and I am stupid but I can be school smart
-I'm in my teens and I cry easily when I'm on my period but without that time of the month, I'm mentally strongish
-I'm 5'3 but I'm average for my ethnicity
-I laugh my booty off at all the comments thrown at me
-I honestly don't know why people read my stories... like... why?
-When I count people, it's a very likely chance I forget I count myself
-I'm a second child
-I'm a proud Scorpio
-I prefer guy friends over girl friends
-I'm straight
•Tag 28 people

Sorry, that's all I'm willing to do.
•Put a title to the tag: ^^^^^^^
•Tell a joke:
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Doorbell repair man"

Sorry... I'm pathetic.
•Write a spoiler for one of your stories:
The Mischievous Wish is about body switching... *gasp*
•Put these rules in your tag.

Anywho~ Love y'all!!! ☺︎♡

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