Good To See You...

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"So I heard a special someone is coming back home." Alya nudged Marinette.

"Really, who?" Marinette asked mindlessly.

"Old friend of ours." Marinette arched an eyebrow glancing at Alya. They walked down the stairs to the front door of the apartment building. Only a few more steps.

"Adrien Agreste! Remember, the guy that left for a year for some modelling thing, you were completely in love with him." Alya reminded the flushed Marinette.

"Was! I don't like him anymore. He left and moved on." Marinette snapped.

"Girl, look I know he broke your heart by leaving and not telling you, but that's in the past. You have to show him that you're strong and better off without him." Alya motivated the angry Mariette.

"Yeah, you're right, but right now we have to get to school or we're going to be late." Marinette opened the door.

"Hey, remember when you used to be late." Alya laughed.

"Yeah, don't remind me." Marinette rolled her eyes with a large smile, the door of the building closing behind them

Adrien left for a year for a modelling gig. He left without telling anyone, including Marinette. Before he left, he and Marinette got really close. They started going out. But after graduation they all got told he left to fly off to, god knows where and dumped Marinette. Nothing. He left her with nothing. She was devasted for almost 6 months. She took the first term off to get over him. By the second term Alya was tired of Marinette's bullshit and so was Marinette. She was tired of feeling lonely and pathetic. So, she changed; Alya, Marinette, and Nino got accepted to this fancy college where they could proceed with their dreams. But Adrien's coming back. Marinette already has enough to deal with. She's been handling Paris just fine on her own.

"How could he do that? He just left Ladybug like that. Stupid cat." Alya spat out. Nino came up behind the girls and put his arm around Alya's shoulder.

"He might have a reason." Nino suggested.

"Yeah him and every other guy." Marinette added.

"You go gi-"

"AAHHH!" Alya got interrupted mid-sentence by an ear-piercing scream.

"Oh my god, I got to get this for the ladyblog." Alya ran off with her phone in her hand. After years she still had that blog going.

"Alya!" Nino trailed off following her. Marinette found a corner and transformed into her red and black suit.

"The bitch will die!" An akumatized villain shouted and shots rays of light at civilians. She had spiked black hair with red diamond shaped glasses. Her costume consisted of a thigh-length red skirt with leather belts wrapping her legs. She wore a shoulderless black top, designed with red graffiti stripes. Ladybug entered the scene and swang her yo-yo at the villain's wrist.

"Hey!...Brat!" The villain shouted at ladybug.

 "Give it up!" Ladybug shouted as she dodged another attack. She retreated her yo-yo around Seeker's wrist.  

"The names Seeker. And you're going to get squashed!" Seeker told Ladybug.

"Oh ya, well seek this!" Ladybug threw her yo-yo at Seeker. It past Seeker. 

"Ha, you missed." Seeker ran towards Ladybug. Ladybug dodged Seeker's attack and said with a smirk.

"Did I?" Seeker turned around and Ladybug's yo-yo hit her right in the face, Seeker's glasses fell to the ground and smashed into pieces. The akuma flew out and Ladybug catched it in her yo-yo. She turns the evil akuma into an angelic white butterfly and watches it fly into the sky.

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