Just a Little Chat

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Warning: Mentions of sex and sex scenes

"We need to talk." Marinette told Chat.

"Okay?" He sat next to her.

"About... us. If there even is an us." She fumbled with her wrists. "Chat Noir." She stood up. "What are we?"

Marinette walked around, back and forth still rubbing her wrists. Chat looked at her. He watched her walk, and walk and walk. His brain short-circuited.

'What are we? Well...' He asked himself. What relationship did the two have? He knew that he wanted to be with Marinette. He knew he wanted to be more than friends. But what did they have now? Friends don't kiss each other. They don't make out. And Chat was pretty sure that friends didn't want to have sex with each other. So, if he wanted to sleep with her, kiss her, spend nights together just holding each other under the sheets, then they were defiantly not friends. But, even though he wanted to be more... What did Marinette want?

Chat stood up. He grabbed Marinette by the shoulders and looked down at her. She was startled, it was the only word Chat could think of to describe her face. Her eyebrows high, eyes wide, mouth agape and little wrinkle lines on her forehead. His head fell, his knees weak. Was he feeling love? Was that how love felt? Like being punched in the stomach, but that pain turning into a flame spreading across his body, turning it to ashes. Turning everything to ashes. Letting everything blow away. He didn't want it to go away that easily, he wasn't going to let her slip through his fingers not again. He had another chance, he didn't want to lose it.

"I love you, Marinette." Chat whispered. He couldn't look her in the eyes. He couldn't even stand. Chat felt Marinette's shoulders shake. He glanced at her through his hair to see tears drip down her face.


"Stupid. This is so stupid." She shook his hands off her and turned to walk away.

"Hey." He could hear his own voice quiver. Chat grabbed her wrist.

"What's stupid? Me? Because I sure do feel stupid for saying that. I bet it's the most said phrase in human history." He heard Marinette chuckle, just a little and she wiped her face with the back of her hand. Marinette shook her head.

"What's stupid is that," she swallowed. "I don't want to be hurt again."

They stood there face to face. Marinette's face blotchy from crying and Chat's eyes stung because he wanted to cry.

"I won't let you get hurt." He grabbed her arms and looked down at her with the most terrified face. He knew he looked scared. He didn't want her to get hurt either. "I promise." He whispered.

Marinette grabbed his face and slowly pulled him down, hesitating. When their lips finally met all Marinette could think about was how his hair tickled her nose and how his lips tasted like lime mixed with brown sugar.

And Marinette? Oh, she tasted like everything he remembered. Her plumped lips felt like feathers and tasted like strawberries. She smelled like vanilla, messing up his senses with what she smelt like with she tasted like giving him weird feeling that he just loved. Chat fiddled with the strap of her shirt. He bit her lip and moved his tongue into her mouth. He thought he was overloaded with scents and tastes but when he explored her mouth he couldn't quite describe the sweet tangy taste. Pineapple?

Their mouths had to move apart for air before he could devour the flavour.

"I'm going to protect you purrincess." Chat put their foreheads together. Marinette smirked.

"Promise?" Chat chuckled.

"I promise." And he kissed her again, wanting more of her taste, of just her.

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