A Mile In My Shoes

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Homophobic and violent content ahead. I'm sorry :)

"Nino can you come here for a second." Marinette popped her head into the living room through small gap her opened door provided. Nino looked up over Alya's head to look at Marinette.

"Sure." He lifted his arm off Alya's shoulders and walked into Marinette's room, closing the door but not shutting it fully.

"What's up?" Nino asked following Marinette to her desk. She took a seat and pointed in front of her while writing something down. He stood straight in front of her with his hands out of his pockets.

"Can you take off your shirt?" She asked hesitantly. Nino raised an eyebrow but took off his shirt. Marinette has her back turned to him and was rummaging through a few things. Nino tried to look over her tiny frame to see what she was doing but he couldn't see.

She turned around with neon green fabric and wrapped it around Nino's chest and under his armpits. She grabbed a fabric pencil and marked where the two ends of the fabric met. She unwrapped the fabric and measured the length. Mariette looked at the paper and shook her head. She wrapped it around his chest again but this time with a little more space. The fabric hung low at the back and there was space between Nino's chest and where Marinette held the fabric. 

"What are you doing?" Nino asked.

"Trying to get the right length." Marinette replied marking the fabric again. 

"And why are you using me? There's a perfectly good model out there." Nino gestured to the door emphasizing his point. She looked up at him with annoyed eyes, a glare if you will.

"Oh. Ooohhh." Nino realized the reason why she didn't ask for Adrien's help. 

"You can still ask him, you know. It's not like he's going to throw a tantrum. You guys were friends." Nino looked at Marinette, trying to convince her to at least be in the same room as Adrien. Marinette placed the fabric on her desk, over her notes and sketchbooks. 

"...I don't know what to do." She shrugged. "We talked and it di-"

"He told me." Nino interrupted her.

"He did?" Their eyes met. 

"Don't be mad at him. He respects your choice and it won't be like high school in a day."

"I don't want it to be like high school I want... it to be different. But I do want to be friends again." Nino smiled and nodded. 

"Hey bro, Marinette wants you." Nino stuck his thumb behind him and Adrien look at him with hesitant eyes. Adrien looked like a scared cat. His eyes wide and his hair had more volume than usual. Nino took a seat next to him and pushed Adrien's shoulder blades making Adrien lean forward and soon stand up. He walked to the door and grabbed the door handle. The blonde boy looked back at his friends and saw Alya looking unamused with a raised eyebrow. Nino nodded and shooed him away focusing on the tv again. Adrien sighed and opened the door.

"Yes..." Adrien peeked through Marinette's door. She made a 'come' motion with her hand with her back facing him, sitting down. He cautiously walked towards her.

"What's up?" Marinette answered by wrapping the measuring tape around him.

"I need help, that's what's up." She said not even looking at him.

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