Destruction and Desire

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Ladybug was confused. It was their second major akuma since Chat's return but he took the first akuma better than he did this one. 'What changed?' She stood behind Scotty staring at Chat. 'What was it?' She asked herself. The atmosphere around the three was thick and darker than the night sky above. The akuma held an expression that Ladybug didn't know but she could feel the emotion he was showing. Danger, something bad like he was planning something. Confidence, like he knew something they didn't. And anger but she couldn't figure out the reason. 

Chat Noir, she could see and feel the emotion he was giving off. Anger, towards the akuma. 'Why?' Hatred, towards the akuma. 'Why?' And wanting to protect someone. 'Who?' 

"Listen to her. You're willing to do anything for her anyway or am I getting the two mixed up?" The akuma spat out like acid. 

"Shut up." Chat growled. 

"How far would you go?" 

"Shut up." Chat said loudly. Ladybug had her yo-yo in her hand and was in a stance ready to move. 

"What would you do if I did something to her?" The akuma tempted.Chat threw his arm back, his other holding the akuma's wrist. 

"I said Shut up!" Suddenly black smoke surrounded Chat's claw that was in the air and Ladybug's eyes widened. Stepping in front of the akuma swiftly she grabbed his claw in front of her face before his cataclysm could destroy anything. She held his wrist, rotated her body and swung Chat Noir over her shoulder. The akuma now stood a bit away from them. 

"Stop!" She screamed. Her voice cracked and desperate. Chat's eyes became focused and his cataclysm disappeared. 

"-drien. Adrien!" Chat heard he looked at Ladybug and then around him. Pain struck from his tailbone and head and he realized that the voice was Plagg. 

"I'm okay."

"You're far from okay!" He heard Plagg shout angrily. The two hero's heard clapping, turning around Ladybug let go of Chat's wrist. Chat tried to see where the sound was coming from but there was no use looking from the ground. So, he got up and groaned from the pain he felt in his back. 

"You guys know how to put on a show." In front of them stood the akuma with his hands clasped. But now looking at his face he looked so familiar.

"I know you..." Ladybug said under her breath.  Hearing that the akuma smiled one of his wicked grins. 

"I know you too, I know a lot about you." Ladybug gasped. 

"Scotty?" The akuma, Scotty, laughed at her response and faint music started to play. 

"Took you long enough. Though I don't really like that name anymore." Scotty glanced at Chat who was glaring at him with his eyebrows furrowed and head low. Scotty snickered.

"Your mum is looking for you, y'know." Ladybug tried. Scotty paused and went blank. 

"My mum?" He whispered. Chat's ears twitched. 'His mum.' He concluded. 'Maybe she can help.' But then Scotty was fuming. 

"This is between you and me Ladybug!" Ladybug grabbed her yo-yo. 

"Okay." Ladybug was ready but Scotty scowled and looked at her with distaste. 

"Not today." He turned into music notes and flew through the air. Ladybug grind her teeth together and clenched her jaw, her hold on her yo-yo tightened and she turned to face Chat.

"What was that? What happened? What did he do?!" She accused Chat. He just stood there curious as she was but not all in the dark.

"What. Did. He do?" She asked as she tried to calm herself down.

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