Something New

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A/N: There may be writing that you guys make find confusing. If you want me to change the fonts that are used for parts or want a better explanation, feel free to ask. With enough said, I hope you enjoy! 

"It looks really nice." Chat commented rubbing the fabric between his clawed fingers. 

"You rip that fabric and I'll tear your head off." Marinette pointed her pen at the heroine. He immediately let go of the skirt layer and focused his attention on the girl in the room. 

"What are you even doing? I thought you finished your sketches." Marinette kept her focus on the pieces of paper in front of her. 

"I have. The teacher is just a prune and needs all my progress...In words." She banged her head against the table. Chat rested his hand on her shoulder making her turn her head to look at him. 

"I'm the paper will turn out great Marinette. Plus, I doubt it adds to that much of the grade. The dresses look amazing." He spread out his arms exhibiting the two dresses that were almost complete. 

"Yeah, just a few more layers." Chat snapped his head around to look at her. 

"How many layers do you need?" Marinette made a noise that indicating she was unsure and shrugged. Chat smirked and shook his head as it hung low. He stood straight and bowed. 

"Adieu, a farewell purrincess." Marinette smiled at the black cat. 

Chat Noir jumped off her balcony and caught himself with his baton before he hit the ground. Jumping from roof to roof something caught his eye. IN the midst of his jump he looked back to the figure that passed. His attention no longer on himself caused him to miss the next rooftop and fall down to the ground. As he tried to grab his baton he was too late and fell on his knees. He could feel the slightest bit of pain as he guessed that his knees shattered. His ring beeped and soon de-transformed into his civilian form. Falling forward and holding himself with his palm he heard Plagg panicking. Adrien looked at Plagg with a pained expression. 

"I wasn't paying attention." He chuckled to hide the pain. Plagg jabbed his tiny paw at Adrien's scrunched up face mixed with pain and feigned happiness. 

"You're not okay!" Adrien ignored Plagg and tried standing up inhaling a deep breath. He crawled backwards finding the wall behind him and slowly tried to get to his feet. Immediately he fell forward with a shriek of pain. 

"Kid, you can't do anything! We need to get you to a hospital." 

"And then what? They're going to ask how it happened and I can't exactly say I was jum0ping buildings in a skin-tight suit." Adrien replied harshly. Plagg looked away, biting his lip. Adrien's face fell, thinking that he hurt his kwami he tried to apologise but Plagg interrupted him.

"Transform." Plagg silenced Adrien with one word. 

"What? What'll that do?" He asked in disbelief. 

"It'll help you get better, now just do it!" Plagg snapped. 

"Plagg claws out!"


"-Please if you have seen these people contact the police." Marinette switched off the tv. 

"What are you thinking about Marinette?" Tikki asked. 

"Don't you think it sounds a little more... um abnormal." 

People had been disappearing in the last week. Keeping tabs on the news and patroling Paris any time she could. She couldn't find anyone or find any information about the people missing. It was tiring and it was worrying her. She couldn't believe she couldn't help the people she swore she would protect. It saddened her that she couldn't help. 

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