I Trust You

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Chat felt so weak. He could feel the pain but it was numbing. He could tell Plagg was trying to heal him, that the miraculous was trying to heal him as well but it wasn't doing what it normally did. It wasn't healing as quickly. He tried to stand up. He lifted his back and tucked his feet under himself, pushing himself up. His body swayed and the floor looked closer than it should've but then Ladybug caught him before he hit the floor.

He heard a low chuckle.

"This isn't as fun as I thought it would be."

"Hawkmoth." He scowled.

"Ah, he speaks," Hawkmoth muttered amusedly. Chat looked up at Ladybug.

"Think you can move?"

"More than you." Ladybug joked light heartedly. Chat tried to laugh but smiled instead when pain erupted from his chest.

"Use your yo-yo to get to the top." He whispered.

"What about you?" Chat pulled out his baton and extended it. He unhooked his arm around Ladybug and leaned on his baton using it as a sort of cratch.

"I'll be fine." Ladybug nodded and quickly did as she was told. She reached the balcony and Chat saw Hawkmoth move from the rail.

Chat looked around the room.

"Plagg?" He asked mentally.

'Guess I'm on my own.' Chat concluded. He looked around the room and used his night vision. The balcony surrounded the whole room. If Chat got up there and cornered Hawkmoth, he could help Ladybug.

Chat Noir extended his baton furthermore holding onto it tight as he felt his feet leave the floor. Once he was at the balcony height he swung his body causing him to fall toward the balcony. His body slammed against the rail causing him to have a coughing fit. Chat hung onto the rail, his baton tucked under his armpit. It soon shrank back to its normal sized, allowing Chat to put it back into his belt. He climbed over the rail, his feet hitting the ground with a loud thump.

Pain sparked in his leg. Chat clutched his gunshot thigh feeling blood dripping through his fingers. The bullet was still in his leg probably doing more damage than Chat thought. Chat squeezed the wound, more pain going through his leg.

"Goddamn it." Chat cursed.

He inhaled one large breath. His claws dug into the wound. He felt the muscle contract at the feeling of his fingertips. He paused momentarily as he tried to catch his breath. He was too hurt to move but the pain reminded him of what he was doing. Chat proceeded to dig his claws deeper into the gun wound. He could feel the led capsule in his leg and grunted as he attempted to grab a hold of it with his thumb and pointer finger.

Chat moved his fingers in the wrong direction and he clenched his teeth, trying to hold back the scream he wanted to unleash. He couldn't handle himself digging around in his leg and made an attempt to grab the bullet one last time, this attempt being successful. He whimpered as he realised he finally had it and slowly extracted it out of his leg, his breathing shaky and his eyes watery.

Chat threw the bullet across the floor, using the railing to support himself. Even though the bullet was out of his leg, it still felt like he was being shot all over again. Chat limped using his baton as support. He kept his eye on the other side of the balcony where Ladybug and Hawkmoth were fighting. He rushed his steps trying to reach them before something bad would happen.

Hawkmoth held Ladybug in a tight grip which she soon got out of by flipping over him. She saw Chat Noir walking up ahead and he was a good distance to Hawkmoth. Chat extended his baton and swung it at Hawkmoth.

He chuckled a rough sound that was mixed with his heaving.

"What's so funny!?" Chat shouted. Hawkmoth lifted a finger and pointed at Ladybug.

"That." He could hear Hawkmoth mutter. Chat looked at Ladybug. Her face beaten and bruised, dry blood spluttered on her face and new bruises forming on her arms and legs.

"Ladybug." Chat mumbled. She was a distance away too far for Chat to reach.

"What?" She asked.

Chat could see it. The black butterfly flapping towards Ladybug from behind. How it was making it's way to her earrings, ready to akumatize them. Chat couldn't let that happen. He didn't know how it could happen but Ladybug said that Hawkmoth was getting stronger. Maybe this was one of the things that made him stronger.

Chat couldn't move his lips, they felt warm and fuzzy but not like how he would kiss Marinette. They felt dead and they were probably badly bruised. He couldn't and he didn't think he had it in him to take those few steps towards her. Not with the situation and not with the wound in his leg. Something made him feel like he was bolted down to the ground by chains. Like his body was tied to a cement block while he was drowning in the ocean. Something was holding him back.

The butterfly came closer to Ladybug, Hawkmoth was passed out on the ground and Chat couldn't move his legs.

"What's wrong?" Ladybug walked a little closer to him. "Is it your leg?"

Ladybug looked down at the blood dripping gunshot. She was close enough, all he had to do was leap and he could reach over her shoulder before the akuma came any closer. Still, he couldn't move his legs. Then, he didn't have any control over his body. He couldn't feel anything, someone else was in the first seat and it wasn't him. Chat's eyes flashed a bright neon green.

"Chat!?" Ladybug stumbled backwards. She was startled at the colour of his eyes. He looked feral. Chat jumped up and reached over her shoulder. The butterfly was inches from her earring and then it was there anymore, ashes of it kept in his hand. Chat Noir fell to the ground, his eyes turning back to its normal state. He was exhausted from those mere seconds.

Hawkmoth tried to akumatize Ladybug.

'How?' She asked herself.

It didn't matter anymore because she was safe now. Chat Noir lifted his head with a small grin ready to celebrate that they finally - after all these years - had a chance to end this fight against Hawkmoth. But when he laid his eyes on her, her face didn't wear the same expression as his.

"Ladybug?" Chat asked.

He couldn't take his legs out from under him. Ladybug's suit was flaking off of her, it was burning off her skin. It's ashes fluttering in the air. Her mask started to detransform as well. Her blue eyes no longer hidden by the disguise of her miraculous.

"No," Chat muttered.

Marinette smiled at the feline hero. She was detransforming but as she would usually. Her outfit was flaking of her but her body was following the same suit as her hero outfit. Her ashes shined a bright pink as they fluttered out the broken window. Tears fell to the ground from both Chat Noir and Marinette. She was no longer wearing her Ladybug disguise. Her body was still slowly decaying.

"Hi." She gasped.

"What did I do?" Chat tried to reach up and grab her hand but it fluttered away. It was no longer there. She shook her head. Marinette cupped his cheek with her other hand.

"I trust you."

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