Something Has Changed

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She never imagined it to be like this. Her day was hell, work non-stop. School, 3-hour shift, babysitting, more school. Both of her themes were finished she only had to do street style, she finished her 5-page essay on her worse subject and she was still humming. Marinette was worn out, tired and was surviving on 9 and a half cups of coffee, chugging the other half as she walked to the shops. 

She needed to buy more coffee and a few other things. She tried remembering her mental list of groceries as she walked the aisles looking for dish soap. 'Gotcha! Pretty sure that's it.' She smiled and thanked the clerk at the counter as she walked back onto the busy streets. About to turn the corner she remembered something. 'Shampoo and conditioner!' She scolded herself as she cursed under her breath walking back to the store. 'I don't need it at the moment.' Marinette gave into her lazy side and walked back home. 

"Sup?" Alya asked as she saw Marinette put the bags down on the kitchen counter. 

"I am done for." She started unpacking and putting things away. 

"Hey, look at the bright side. You look like you've been productive." 

"I think you're mixing up productive and exhausted." Marinette leaned on the counter and tilted her head back closing her eyes. 

"Coffee?" Alya said as she looked at her book in front of her. 

"My stomach feels like acid I don't need it to explode." Alya chuckled. 

"You know what! I'm going for a run." Marinette slammed her palms on the counter. 

"Sweat out your stress!" Marinette heard as she shut her door. 

"So, when are you actually going to become a resident of the house?" Nino asked sprawled out on the couch as Adrien stacked up the empty boxes. 

"After my last show." 

"You're going to be a star babydoll." Nino said in his best New Yorker accent. 

"Ha, ha, ha." Adrien laughed sarcastically and smiled as he felt the vibration of Plagg snickering. 

The show wasn't the only thing stopping him from moving in. Being a hero, hiding a superhero persona was stopping him. Trying to sneak out in the middle of the night or getting back into the loft dressed up as a black cat, was going to be hard.  He thought about telling Nino, a lot. More than he'd like to admit. He didn't bring it up with Plagg at least not yet. 

"Don't make me start singing." Nino snapped Adrien out of his thoughts.

"I want to die peacefully not with my ears bleeding." Nino threw a cushion at him and he laughed. 

"Hey, Nino?" 


"What if I told you I was someone else?" 

"I'd ask you to take me to space with you." Nino replied without skipping a bit. "Are you actually an alien? Because that would explain a lo-" Adrien threw the cushion back at Nino making him fall off the couch. 

"I'm not an alien. I'm human and I'm Adrien Agreste but what if I told you was also someone else?"

"As long as it doesn't hurt anybody, it wouldn't really matter to me. You're still Adrien, my bro, my dude." Nino sat up and looked at Adrien over the couch. 

"My best friend." And Nino smiled. Tears stung Adrien's eyes hearing his friends' words. 

"Adrien?" Nino sprung off the couch and rushed to Adrien grabbing his shoulders. 

"Hey, what's up?" Adrien sniffled and shook his head. 

"You mean the same thing to me." Nino smiled reassured that his friend was alright. Then, Adrien was engulfed by arms and squashed into a chest. Adrien wrapped his arms around Nino's shoulder blades and made a little-wet patch into Nino's shirt. 

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