I Trusted You

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Ladybug never wanted to open her eyes. She couldn't. Her body wouldn't let her. She couldn't, wouldn't and she didn't want to. She trusted someone with her life and he risked it for whatever reason he had. He risked her trust.

A noise was heard in the darkness of her eyelids and she could feel the movement of being turned to be on top of a body. Her eyelids opened quickly to be met with neon green ones.. Her breath hitched. 'So he's back?'

She rushed to get up and didn't think about what she was doing. She grabbed Chat's hand, pulled out her yo-yo and swang away, hopefully, from her problems. But how could that happen if she was still holding onto them?

There, on top of a building, Chat stood facing Ladybug's back. Her fist clenched at her sides and head low to the ground. He stood there, ready. They've already been up there for two minutes.

"She'll be looking for me." Ladybug finally spoke still not facing Chat.

"I don't know how she knew you were there when her back was turned and I was looking straight at you, and I couldn't see you." She turned around, her face a bit red with anger.

"So, I want to ask you a question and you have to tell the truth." She squinted at Chat. Her vision turning black and white. "Are you, and Player 1, working together?" Chat took a steady breath.

"No." Her vision of Chat turned red with black dots. A thankful upgrade to her powers. Making her see whatever she wanted to see. It was her first time trying it but she tried really hard. To see the truth. And she did more than that. She heard it.

Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo around whatever it grabbed and left the top of the building. This time she left Chat. She looked, again, for the akuma, Player 1. It was easier this time. She was standing in the middle of an empty parking lot, a game controller in one hand the other on her hip.

Ladybug landed in front of Player 1 and walked a little till Player 1 stopped her by putting up her hand.

"What do you want?" Ladybug asked. Player 1 waved her controller in the air.

"A game. Will you play?"

Ladybug thought for a moment and nodded. Player 1 threw the controller she had to Ladybug and she caught it. Ladybug's eyes widened. 'What? I thought this was the akuma? Oh no.' She swallowed and looked up. A hologram popped up in front of them showing them two different screens. Ladybug's showed Player 1's character and Player 1's showed Ladybug's.

"How will you play?" Ladybug asked. Player 1 smiled wickedly.

"Don't worry." Player 1's hands rose up, just in front. When Ladybug looked around the hologram she saw Player 1's hands look like she was holding an invisible controller. Ladybug's eyebrows scrunched and she faced the hologram again. Words popped up on the pixelated screen.

Ready!- Set!- Fight!

Player 1 struck first but Ladybug blocked it. A sword fight. She was in no way ready. She was willing to play anything Player 1 made her play as long as she saves Paris. 'Guess she picked a sword fight.'

Player 1 swept Ladybug's feet and slit her characters throat when she hit the ground. Blood splattered across Player 1's characters face and the scenery in the game.

Ladybug choked. Not her character, her. She dropped the controller and it hit the ground. Ladybug wrapped her hands around her throat gasping for air. It felt like she had a cold, scratchy throat. A really scratchy throat, it felt like someone literally scratched her throat.

"What...What-What,did-di...you? I-i...my!"

"Your throat? I sliced your throat." Player 1 said flatly.

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