It's Not Like I Like You Or Anything

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I went through the Harry Potter pictures. The one with the cat keeps making me giggle. The music doesn't have anything to do with this.

Pairing: Jordan and Matthew

Matt was gay. He was very fucking gay. Of course, when anyone heard Jordan say this, they didn't think anything of it. Just Jordan being well, Jordan. But as it goes, Matt was actually gay. He was, as the irony has it, straight up gay, but he kept his flamboyant ass in the door to Narnia. He had a problem, however. Besides having to hide his secret from his closest friends, he had the biggest crush on one of the said friends, and you already know who it is. Jordan. But Matthew forced himself to ignore the crush, ignore his sexuality, and when it came to it at times, Jordan. Jordan chocked it off as him being emo and wanted to be alone, which followed by remarks of he listens to Fall Out Boy and Pierce The Veil. Danny, like always, would tell Jordan to stop being a dick and George and Jorel would have to get into on the action saying, "sounds like Jordan has a crush." Matt was getting sick of it in all honesty. After concerts, he'd go straight towards the hotel or bus and that was that. Curtain closed if it was a bunk or instantly to bed if it was a hotel. Luckily for him, they all would go party at this time so he only stayed in the bunk until they all left. Danny normally would hug him however, letting him know that they don't mean it and if Matt was gay, they all would accept it. This always gave Matt a boost of confidence but it was ruined instantly because he saw Jordan. He doesn't even know if Jordan caught on to the ignoring him and distancing himself from all of them. They did however, especially because bleeding heart Danny brought it to their attention and snapped at them when they took it as a joke.

Danny is the only one who Matt even considered telling, but something told him that Danny already knew. It was the fact that every time Danny comforted him, he would casually say, "even if you were actually gay Matty, we wouldn't judge. We love you." Matt honestly just thought it was Danny being his precious self, but it wasn't. Danny knew. Although, he wasn't quite sure if Matthew liked Jordan or was genuinely tired of his comments and him in general. He prayed it wasn't the latter. He hates it when any of them fight, even when it is small, petty fights. Matt did too honestly but it was just how they all were and when you're on the road for days, in a cramped space, like a tour bus space, arguments will break out. 

So it was after another show, and like always, the guys were going to go out drinking. Matt like always, declined. Dylan finally caved, tired of his friend being acting like an edgy, emo teenager. "Yo man, what's up with you? You never come out with us anymore and you always stay in your bunk. Are you okay?" He was sincere with his words which caught Matt off guard. All of the guys had their attention on both of them. Matt really didn't want to make them worry so he just said what he thought would make them drop it; "Don't worry about it." With that, he walked onto the bus, unlocking his phone. When George was sure that Matt couldn't hear them he spoke up. "Someone should stay here with him. I'm honestly worried that he's hurting himself." Danny started tearing up. He was already drinking and starting to become more and more of a bleeding heart for his friends. Jorel hugged him which calmed him down. Danny hasn't said anything to the guys about his suspicions about Matt being gay but he made a quick decision that would maybe calm his friends worries. Before he can get a word out, the unnamed leader of the group spoke up. 

"Someone is staying here with him." George stated. "And Jordan is that person."

Danny pushed away his original plan and said something before he was unknowingly cut off again. "But Matt avoids him." This shocked the guys. It never once crossed any of their minds, especially Jordan's, that the curly hair drummer was avoiding him. Let alone avoiding all of them. 

"What? He's not Danny. Come on, he's just, I don't know." Dylan tried to come up with another reason. He doesn't want one of his best friends to start avoiding the others. This could cause problems and just possibly lead to someone leaving, and no one wanted that. They were still getting over Aron's departure. Danny sighed and continued. "Jordan, you always bully him, especially about being gay.Has it ever crossed that thick mind of yours that he just might actually be? And you're making him feel like it's a bad thing?" Jordan's cheeks flared up without his permission. He admitted to himself that he has taken the gay thing too far and the friend bullying.

"Then it's settled. Your Matt's babysitter. And while you are, balls up and make up." With that the unannounced alpha of the small gang lead the rest towards a bar. Jordan of course, was resentful like a bratty teenager. As he huffed, wanting to drink and party, he got onto the bus. His walking was stopped abruptly at the sight before him. Matt, his sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips, shirtless, closing the small fridge while drinking water. Jordan felt his cheeks heat up again. God... Damn! He thought. Matt took notice of Jordan and blushed slightly. He ignored his feelings and made a "God why are you here" face then made his way back to the back. Jordan snapped out of the mini trance and wiped what he was sure was drool from his mouth. Embarrassing. He hoped Matt didn't see that then realized the face he made. A frown etched itself onto his face. What he said really got to Matt and it was all because Jordan wanted to hide his feelings for him. Jordan became suddenly determined as he remembered what George said. He was going to make up weather Matt liked it or not. Jordan chucked his glasses and hat onto the table went to the back. When he got there, Matt was watching Family Guy, drinking his water. He looked up but didn't have fake annoyance, it was real this time. "What do you want bitch?" He snapped. That hurt but Jordan accepted it and sat down.

"I want to hang out." Was all he said before turning his attention to the TV. Matt groaned quietly but it was heard. Despite the annoyance with the shorter male, he loved that they were both alone. Together. He started feeling happy as fuck but then remembered he shit Jordan has said and done. His emotions were very conflicted. It was like a war was going on in his heart between love and hate. "Go hang out with the guys. I don't want you here." Matt lied, setting the bottle down. This made Jordan look at him. Silence filled the room for a few seconds before he simply said, "no." Well that was unexpected.

"Wh-What? What do you mean no?" He asked.

"I don't want to leave you." Jordan answered. This caused both males to blush a dark shade of red. They both had pronounced blushes to each other which only caused it to worsen. Jordan being himself, decided to make things worse at Matt's expense. 

"Why are you blushing?" He asked in a seductive tone. Matt looked at the TV, becoming fixated on the cartoon. "No r-reason." He stuttered. It finally had clicked in his childish mind everything that has happened. Danny making it even more clear. He smirked and scooted closer, sliding an arm around the taller males shoulders.

"You like me, don't you Curly?" He cooed. Matt freaked out, sitting on the other side of the couch, far away from Jordan as he could be. "N-no! Why the fuck would I?" He yelled. His cheeks were betraying him however making the rapper lavish in the scene. Once again, Jordan sat next to Matt. He shrugged and said, "okay so if I do this, you won't feel anything?" Matt was going to ask what he mean't until he felt it. Light kisses were being placed down his neck. Matt bit his lip and looked away, his curls smacking Jordan in the face making him stop and pull away.

"I don't feel a-anything." Matt stammered. They both were tenacious. Matt wanted to keep his crush hidden and Jordan wanted to make him admit the obvious. He finally had enough and forced the drummer to look at him. Before the latter can question anything, Jordan smashed his lips onto his. For what felt like forever, Matt didn't let up. He kept thinking that if he did, Jordan would of pulled away, yelling and laughing that he knew he was gay and his life would just fall to pieces then and there. He finally gave in and it quickly turned into a very heated make out session. They only stopped when they both heard George yell,

"I said make up not make out! Dammit Jordan! Keep it in your pants!" 

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