We Don't Have To Dance

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Inspiration brought to you by: IT'S GOT 1K READ MOTHA FUCKAS! This is also a very happy one shot. Tears of joy only. This will be great and romantic! *winks with both eyes* This is long, will try to keep it below 3000.

Music brought to you by: It was the name of the one shot... Yes, I do realize that this isn't exactly a romantic song, fitting for this but I don't care.

Pairing: George x Jorel 

9:27 P.M. LA Dance Hall

Today was the big day. The day two lovers made it official that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. It was Jorel and George's wedding day. The ceremony was beautiful, just as beautiful as the proposal. George was the one to propose and let me just say, it caught everyone off guard.

7 Months Ago, 7:30

Jorel flattened out his suit as he checked himself out in the bathroom door mirror. His ocean blue tie complemented his eyes while his black hair was brushed to one side, looking slightly messy just the way George liked it. He was getting ready for another Friday night date. It was an annual thing. Jorel heard a knock on their shared bedroom door. He chuckled quietly and called out, "I'm decent George, not like that's ever stopped you before." George laughed lightly as he opened the bedroom door. He took in the sight in front of him. Jorel looked more beautiful than ever at that moment. Maybe it was because tonight was special. Jorel blushed at George's admiring and looked down, becoming fascinated with his white converse. George was equally dressed nicely. His tie matched his boyfriends, though he thought only Jorel could pull it off. He walked over to his best friend and love of his life and lifted his head up by his chin so he could stare into those gorgeous, brown orbs of his.

"You look beautiful my dear." He whispered making Jorel blush and smile.

"Thank you Gee. You look handsome." He complemented back. George smiled and brought his lover in for a short but sweet kiss. When they parted, he lead Jorel out of the apartment and towards the car. He opened the passenger's side door, bowing dramatically. Jorel laughed a little and got in, the door being shut after him. George went to the other side but didn't open the door just yet. He shoved his hand in his pocket and ran his thumb over the small box. He smiled, sure of the plans tonight and got in. The car ride was filled with their singing and laughter and Jorel telling George how much he loved him, and how gorgeous he was. The older male was a blushing mess by the end of the drive.

Once there, Jorel was in awe. There were small, but reasonable sized, white wooden tables, a pair of dark brown wooden chairs at each. A glass bowl holding small plants sat at the center of each, two candles placed on both sides of it. There were beautiful rose bushes everywhere and a black railing that ran along the edge of the cliff. Jorel couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene. They both weren't the only couple there but that didn't bother him.

"Babe? Are you going to get out?" George asked softly, smirking slightly.

"Yeah beautiful- I mean George." He got out, shutting the door behind him. "Not that you aren't beautiful! This scene is just beautiful, very beautiful. You're the most beautiful thing on this planet, no in this universe. I was just-" His nervous rambling was cut off by George pulling him close and kissing him, his hand placed on the back of the rappers head gently. Jorel's hands found their way to the slightly taller males face. They both pulled away, smiles plastered on their faces. George backed away and held out his hand. The Italian took it and was lead to one of the tables. George only let go to pull out one of the chairs for him. Jorel sat down and the Irishman went to the other side, copying his actions. His hand found its way back home to Jorel's. They ordered then ate dinner, joking around and sharing their fondest memories, Jorel's favorite being when they first met and George's being when Jorel asked him out. After they ate, Jorel spent a few minutes admiring the view of the dark blue water.

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