You Looked Cute That Day Pt 2

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Inspiration: UndeadChan They wanted a Da Kurlzz x Charlie Scene and a part 2 to this so here it is. I've kinda been debating on if I should of kept this one a solo adventure or not but it didn't really work out. I have to read the previous part because I honestly don't remember what happened.

Music: It's what I was listening to as I was writing the first part of this.

Warning: Gets really fucking fluffy at one point.

Pairing: Da Scene |Out of curiosity, do any guys read this? Do any of you write fanfiction too?|

Three Months After The Incident, Matt's POV

I looked at it with an intense stare from across the room. I hardly look at it since what happened. I don't even know what possessed me to keep it. Proof maybe? Proof that what was happening was real and not a nightmare. Sunday's became a lot more horrible to me now. She doesn't stop. Her actions are like clockwork. Maybe if I keep glaring at it, it will burst into flames, taking her with it. Like voodoo. I've tried involving the police, but of course nothing could be done because she hasn't harmed me in anyway. Just harassment over the phone and all I could do was block her. I have, multiple times, in counter to that, she just creates another account. She even goes as far as to harass Jordan, always threatening him and telling him that I was hers. I wasn't but I was starting to want it to be true. I've always had a love for him, but it was brotherly love. Now, since I've been around him all day, everyday, I'm starting to realize just how much I love him. He's not gay or bi, at least not to my knowledge. I couldn't help but wonder, however, he always stays close to me in public, always texts me when we're apart, there has been subtle touches which I didn't notice at first, he even comforts with the nightmares I've been having by holding me and kissing my head. He's got to like me back. Maybe this psycho sees something I never could.

"No matter how long you stare at it, nothing is going to change Matty." Speak of the Devil. I tore my attention away from the drawing and looked up at him. He blushes lightly and avoids my eyes, taking a seat next to me. "Why do we still have it here with us anyways? You heard the officer, it doesn't help us in anyways, as far as they were concerned, it was just art from a fan."

I looked away from him and back towards the paper, sighing in the process.

"I don't know. Has she left you alone yet?" I asked. Jordan shook his head, joining me on watching the paper.

"Let's just do something to take our mind off of it. Nothing she says is important or true anyways, well, besides her love for you." He suggested. The way he said 'her' confused me slightly. He almost sounded jealous. I was about to question him, but before I could he seemed to sense it and immediately stand up.

"Let's watch a horror movie." He rushed out, walking away from the couch and towards our bookcase.

"You hate horror movies," I started.

"You love them thought." He mumbled, almost too low for me to hear.

"And there's a storm outside. Jordan, you're going to have nightmares tonight." I sound like my mother. He just ignored me. I sighed in annoyance and went to close the curtains. As I grabbed them, ready to make the living room a little more darker, a flash of lightning encased my vision. I let go and rubbed my eyes instantly, blinking them rapidly when I pulled my hands away. It was like a scene from a cartoon. I grabbed the curtains again after my eyes adjusted and I swear I saw a dark silhouette in the middle of the street. I instantly closed the curtains and a wave of dread washed over me. This girl, she didn't know where Jordan lived and that's what made me feel safe here, but now I can't help but think if she figured out where I'm at, where Jordan was at, my Jordan. I had the sudden urge to turn around and hug him tightly, protecting him from most likely, nothing. I'm just being paranoid, she hasn't found us, she hasn't found him. Everything was fine.

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