Good Times

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eorge no...
Random town names because I don't know them all..
Pairing: Derillo
Part 2 to Wendy-Er, Jorel Run Away With Me, requested by forever_numbr11
Warnings: Short?

Four Days Later, Jorel's Birthday

Jorel ran a hand through his hair as he rested his weight against the stinging hot metal of the car. He waited in the California Spring heat for Danny, who was inside the cool gas station getting beer with his fake ID.

"That's not going to work Dee, you're going to get figured out." Jorel pointed out as he undid his seat belt. They had stopped for a break after being on the road for 14 hours. Jorel didn't know where they were heading, all Danny would say is that he had friends on the other side of California. It was sketchy but he felt safe as long as Danny never left his side.

"Have faith." Danny replied with a cheeky smile.

"Last time you said those words, you ended up with a bloody nose." Jorel reminded him. He cringed slightly at the memory. He shook his head and kissed his fiancé on the nose before exiting the vehicle. Jorel shook his head, telling himself that Danny was an idiot before getting out to stretch his legs.

"Ah that's cold!" The younger male screeched. He grabbed the cool spot on his hip and glared up at Danny.

"See?" The said blonde said holding up a metallic blue can before taking a drink.

"Okay, I stand corrected. Hot and corrected." He said annoyed.

"You're much more than hot babe." Danny replied with a wink. Jorel blushed and groaned. Danny walked over and wrapped his arms loosely around Jorel's waist before kissing him softly. He pulled away and lightly rubbed the 17 year old's cheek with his thumb.

"Today is the day you finally get to be free." He mumbled, moving a piece of his raven black hair out of his face. "You look emo." He smirked. The latter rolled his eyes playfully.

"Not until 9pm and thanks Ken, I try." Jorel joked.

"I'm not Ken." Danny whined.

"With this hair?" Jorel messed up the floppy blonde locks which earned him an annoyed grunt.

"I have a dick thank you." The blonde replied back with sass in his tone.

"I know, it's pretty nice too." The shorter male smirked, pulling out of the embrace and walking to the passenger side, but not before kissing the slightly blushing Danny on the cheek.

"Come on, I want to make it to Maria before sunset."


Jorel was peacefully sleeping in the passenger's seat as Danny skillfully maneuvered around rocks and tree branches, which had made a home on the sides of the park road from past storms or the branches just being old. He glanced over at his love instinctively every hour to make sure he was okay. They had made it to Maria 3 hours ago, but he saw a passing sign for a park and decided that there was a much needed stop to be made.

He slowly pulled into a parking spot that had its painted lines dusted over with dirt. He pressed his fingers lightly over the pocket of his jeans making sure that his surprise made it through the journey. The car's engine was cut which made Jorel stir.

Danny placed his hand on his shoulder and gently shook the peacefully sleeping male. Jorel slowly woke up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, letting out a quiet yawn making Danny mentally aw.

"We're at'ur friends?" He asked in broken English. Danny chuckled lightly and gently caressed his left cheek, his thumb rubbing against the smooth skin softly which tickled Jorel's cheek lightly.

"We made it to Maria 3 hours ago, but I had to make an important stop. Come on." The tired male pouted when the warmth of the older male's hand left his cheek. His eyes finally adjusted as Danny closed his side's door. He opened Jorel's and held put a hand. Confused but excited, Jorel took his hand hesitantly. He was lead past the rope that separated the parking lot and the grass, down a dirk path towards metal railing.

What is he up to? Jorel asked himself. Why is this important?

He stopped right in front of the 4 1/2 ft, rusted, black railing and places how hands on it. It felt cool to the touch which felt much better than the car hours before. Danny hugged him from behind as they both admired the cities lights which shined brightly like Christmas light on a tree. They didn't put shine the stars though, in fact when both of them looked up, billions of stars could be made out, so could the beautiful colors of the galaxy. Dark purple to a dark green with dark blue mixed in between.

"Dee, what are we doing here?" Jorel asked, interrupting the song nature was making.

"Well, it is currently 9 at night which means you are officially 18, which means," Danny spun Jorel around and smoothly pulled out the ring while he got on one knee. "I can officially do this."

Jorel covered his mouth, tears building up.

"It's cheap metal that I got at Walmart with the remaining money I had on me before running out of the store, taking everything I had out of the bank, and making probably a pretty stupid idea of running away with my previously 17 year old boyfriend, risking the chance of being jailed for who knows how long, but after being on the road with you for four days, I know that everything I did I would do over and over again for eternity if it meant being with you forever. There's no one else in the world I would want to be doing this with. Jorel, will you marry me?" Danny ranted, hiding his fear and worry with a beautifully cheeky smile. Jorel nodded tears rushing down his cheek like waterfalls. Danny slid the ring on and stood up.

Jorel grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him down into a passionate, breath taking kiss. They pulled away, both a blushing mess.

"I love you Jorel."

"I love you Danny."

That was beautiful and I love Danny's speech. I'm proud of it.

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