Family™ 🏫What School Is Like🏫

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I would like to and should credit the last two and this to underfell_flowey_cat because they gave me the ideas and a idea in here. Also this school is full of emos and gays. Don't get serious in the comments, this is all for fun. But anyways, let's talk about ships, real and character based
Also.. respect. The fact. That yo ships. Might have wives. This has been a PSA.
🦎 Dude is popular but not a dick
🦎 He is literally one of the coolest guys in school and every girl wants to date him and every guy wants to be him.. but you know he's gay.
🦎 He's a shit student though.
🦎 Like he has a C average but he's still terrible
🦎 Will fuck up a bitch if they try to bully any of his brothers
🦎 Literally only has like two-three friends at most, Tyler Joseph, his bf Josh, and Mike Fuentes
🦎 Probably skips that one period because of that one teacher
🦎 If he doesn't have lunch with the homies, he'll sit with his brothers.
🦎 He loves cooking class
🦎 The teacher adores him
🦎 Is on the basketball team with Jorel
🦎 Can't be bothered with a lot of shit
🦎 Mike, him and Tyler rap a lot
🦎 Josh makes the beat
🦎 Honestly, he's feared..
🦎 He is helps the teachers out though
🦎 Does get detention a lot

🥀 No where close to being as popular as his brother
🥀 Has 4 friends and is fine with that, Oliver, Kellin, Vic and Alex
🥀 Occasionally hangs out with Matt's friends or Jorel's
🥀 Is a nerd
🥀 Straight As
🥀 Really loves biology, marine bio to be exact
🥀 Helps Dylan with his homework
🥀 Refuses to help anyone else because he doesn't know how to talk to strangers. Also he doesnt like these kids.
🥀 Possible cheerleader??
🥀 He SO is in gymnastics dude.
🥀 Supports all his friends and their bands
🥀 All teachers like him and he hates it
🥀 Oliver flirts with him a lot..
🥀 It goes right over his head.. I wish I was kidding.
🥀 It's adorable and frustrating
🥀 Dylan does not approve
🥀 None of the brothers do really...
🥀 Okay maybe Matt does..
🥀 Yeah, Oliver still flirts with him and will continue to do so even after they're married *dabs and naruto runs away*

☠ Art boi
☠ Works with the theater kids a lot because he likes Sfx and props
☠ Probably more of an outcast than Danny
☠ Austin and him need to fucking just kiss already
☠ Hangs out with Austin, Zack and Jack
☠ Talks to Mike, Josh, Rian, Matt N. and Gabe in band.
They're all drummer bois
☠ His art and Band teacher love him
☠ Got bullied once but Dylan beat the bullies ass.
☠ Him and Jorel are in the art club.
☠ Gerard Way is their hero.
☠ Straight Bs which is the only straight thing about him.
☠ His hair isn't even straight
☠ George cried when he found out his son has friends.
☠ Matt felt offended
☠Jordan is proud he's doing stuff that will get him interacting with people more
☠ Matt is still offended
☠ "I'm not THAT antisocial!"
"Yes you are."

👽 Loves science because of space.
👽 Is in art
👽 Fucking is the master of Art
👽 Will fight you if you say Anime/Manga in not an art style/form
👽 Draws a lot of horror based stuff
👽 Honestly.. he's a decent student
👽 B-C average and actually tries
👽 His friends are Jaime, Tony, Justin, Rian and Matt K.
👽 Probably has the most friends out of the brothers despite him being more anti social than Matt
👽 That's a lie
👽 Matt's so fucking done with people
👽 He volunteers with Justin at the shelter near the school a lot
👽 Frankly Justin just wants to tap that ass so that's why he's there.
👽 Though the bunnies there are hella fucking cute
👽 Why does a shelter have rabbits...
👽 Jaime and Tony tease Justin a lot about his crush
👽 Jorel is more dense than Danny.
👽 He has to deal with Claire...
👽 End his suffering.

Later Space bois👽👽👽
Might edit if I come up with more shit
Also, I just noticed I put all the lead singers with Danny... I swear none of the friend pairings were planned, it was all random

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