Chapter 18

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It rained all through the night and into the early morning when my alarm went off.

I groan when I hear the pitter patter of raindrops hitting the ceiling, and make a mental note to take a raincoat out with me- the barn and arena are covered, but walking in between, I don't want to get wet.

I tug on a pair of jeans and a Stanford University sweatshirt, knowing the rain has most likely cooled the air overnight. After putting on my boots and grabbing the black raincoat my mom packed for me, I head out to meet Avery.

"So, what's on the schedule today," I question once he comes into view. He glances up at me and offers a wry smile.

"I was thinking after you groom Trigger, you could try tacking him up," he replies.

"Like, to ride him? Today?" I ask in disbelief.

"No- just to see if he'll allow you to tack him up. He's been ridden before, so it shouldn't come as too much of a shock to him. I just want to see if you can handle it," he answers.

"And after that? Grooming shouldn't take longer than 20 minutes no matter how much trouble he gives me, and tacking should only take like 10," I estimate. "So then what do we do?"

"You could ride Disel if you want to- it wouldn't hurt you to work on your lope. Or you could just chill until everyone wakes up," he offers. "I kind of need to work with Dakota for Chrissie anyways."

"Why?" I ask. She seems like an extremely well trained horse, I don't see what he would need to work on with her.

"We put in a new jump yesterday while you and the girls were out, and I just need to get her used to it before Chrissie has her lesson today, otherwise Dakota might freak out," he responds.

I nod, debating whether or not I should ask him about his relationship with Chrissie. I'm curious as to why they are so close, but I don't want to pry. Ultimately, I decide against it.

"Let's get started then," I chirp, shooting him a tight smile.

I walk into the tackroom and grab Trigger's blue lead, before heading over to his stall.

"Hey Trig," I coo, in an attempt to get his attention. It works. He lifts his head and looks over at me, snorts, then turns away. He seems to look relaxed, and I smile. Maybe he's finally starting to trust me a little.

I cautiously open his stall door and slip into his stall, careful to make sure he knows where I am at all times. I stay pressed against the corner of the door and the stall, not wanting to make any sudden movements.

And then the strangest, most unbelievable thing happens.

Trigger turns and walks towards me.

I stand where I am, shocked, for a moment.

"Trigger?" I question, more to myself than to him.

He doesn't make any effort to walk away or attack me, so I reach up and clip the lead to his halter. I slide my hand up to his cheek and let it linger there for a moment, before dropping it and leading him out of the stall.

"Wow," Avery mutters once I've clipped Trigger into the cross ties.

"My sentiments exactly," I whisper. "Did that really just happen?"

I take a few steps back from Trigger, not wanting to overwhelm him, although he seems very at ease right now.

"You better believe it," he laughs. "I'll go get the brushes for you."

I nod, watching his retreating figure as he heads to the tack room.

I move closer to Trigger, till I'm less then arms length away. If I wanted to, I could reach out and touch him.

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