Chapter 28

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I wake up at 1:30, half an hour earlier than Avery and I are supposed to meet. I want to get down there and saddle Trigger up before he get there, trying to multiply the surprise factor.

I tug on a tight red sweater and jeans, knowing it's a tad bit chilly outside- it was raining when I went to sleep, and I think it still is. Plus, off the record, I want to look cute.

After I tug on my black boots, I'm out of my room and down the hallway, ready to go see my horse.

Well, not really my horse but- whatever.

When I get into the barn, Trigger pokes his head out of the barn and snorts, before moving his head back in.

"Not too excited to see me?" I laugh, grabbing his lead rope.

I bring him out and clip him onto the cross ties. I quickly brush him over and go to the tack room to grab his saddle and pad.

Within a few minutes, I have him tacked up and ready to go. I grab a helmet and lead him out to the round ring.

I glance at my phone: 1:50. I have ten minutes till Avery shows up.

"Should we warm up?" I ask, patting his side.

I smile, and climb onto his back, pressing him into a walk.

He chews anxiously at the bit, wanting to go faster.

"Woah Trig," I warn, pulling him back.

I walk a few more times around the ring, before letting him trot.

His motions are so fluent, I'm surprised he was so crazy before. He's obviously been well trained. I wouldn't be surprised if he used to be a show horse. Even when he's out in the paddock, his movements look beautiful and elegant.

Diesel had a very bumpy trot, but I figured that's just how all horses were.

After riding Trigger, whose trot is so smooth I can't believe we're actually trotting, I don't know if I'll be able to ride Diesel again.

"Do you think we can handle a canter?" I ask. His ears perk up, causing me to giggle. "I think we can."

I lean down and pat his shoulder, before nudging him into a lope like Avery showed me on Diesel. Trigger willingly accedes.

If I thought his trot was smooth, his canter deserves a whole new term. It's so collected I feel like I'm on a cloud.

"Is that Trigger?"

I pull on Trig's reigns, slowing him to a walk, before looking over at Avery.

"You better believe it."

He looks at me in disbelief, blinking a few times as if to make sure he's not dreaming.

"When did you-"

"Last night," I answer, picking up at a trot again.

"You rode him for the first time alone?"

"Well we weren't exactly speaking," I snort. "And besides, I wasn't planning on riding him. I just wanted to lunge him. But- I changed my mind at the last minute."

"That wasn't the most responsible thing in the world."

"I know- but it all ended okay. I mean, look at him," I laugh, reaching down to scratch Trigger's withers. "He's amazing."

Avery doesn't answer, just watches.

"I think I'm gonna cool him off and put him back- I've made my point," I state, slowing Trig to a walk.

"Sounds like a good idea," Avery replies, shooting me a smile.

I take the horse around the ring a few times before dismounting and taking him out of the ring. 

Avery walks with me back to the barn, staying a few feet to my left and away from Trigger.

"You're not scared of him, are you?" I laugh, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not," Avery replies. "I just don't trust him completely. He has a bit of a history."

"Speaking of which, I want to know what happened to him," I curiously start. "Because he has the smoothest gaits, and he's so fluent in his movements. I think he used to be a show horse. Am I right?"

"You are. He was a dressage horse, and a good one. He and his rider almost made it to the Olympics. They were driving to a show and they crashed. Trigger was never the same. He's terrified of trailers, they had to sedate him to get him here. He wouldn't let anyone near him, let alone ride him," he answers. "Except you."

"Poor baby," I coo, taking Trig's bridle off and putting his halter back on. I clip his lead on and let Avery take the saddle.

"Yeah. It was really bad- before they sent him here, there was talk of euthanizing him. He had become violent," Avery says. "That's why I don't completely trust him."

I sigh, and scratch Trigger's forehead. "Well I do. Maybe I shouldn't- but I do."

I lead Trigger back into his stall, and unclip him, but I don't leave the stall right away.

"I think I might take him out on the group trail tomorrow," I say thoughtfully. "What do you think?"

"That's not a bad idea," he replies. "Do you think he's ready for that?"

"Yeah- as I said, he's amazing," I answer, a bit awestruck.

I pat Trigger on the flank, before leaving his stall and locking it up.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I am so tired," I sigh. "I can't remember the last time I had a full night of sleep with all this secret training."

"You have to admit, the end result is worth it," Avery laughs, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Yeah," I mutter, watching Trigger. "It really is."


Boring filler chapter. I'm really, really tired. I have to wake up early for church tomorrow.

I start school on Monday *cries*

Goodnight My Lovelies!

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