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Taehyung became flustered, looking down and soon felt his cheeks heat up. Meanwhile Jungkook was enjoying the moment as he pulled out a lollipop and took the wrapper off. At first it was a joke but seeing how Taehyung reacted, Jungkook wanted to explore the idea and see where it took him. "I mean, I could always fuck you on the table if you'd like. We don't have to tell anyone." Jungkook moved closer, placing his lollipop on Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung wrapped his lips around the lollipop and looked at Jungkook who had a sly smirk. "I cannot wait to hear you begging for my cock honestly. How you would beg for me to touch you in all the right places, I bet you'd like that, wouldn't y-"

Taehyung removed the lollipop and attached his lips onto Jungkook's. His mind went completely blank. He just- fuck he doesn't know! All he focussed on was how good Jungkook was as a kisser. At that moment, he didn't feel guilty nor did he want to stop. It felt.. right. Which made this situation more messy but Jungkook was like a fucking drug and he had a taste of what Jungkook could do.

Jungkook was surprised. Completely surprised but it didn't take him long to start kissing the boy back. Didn't think Taehyung would break that quickly but he wasn't complaining. He felt as if Taehyung was about to pull away but he didn't plan on that happening. Jungkook got off the chair, pulling Taehyung off as well and placing him on the table.

Taehyung gasped but moaned lightly as he felt Jungkook's tongue exploring his mouth. "J-Jung- ah." Taehyung felt Jungkook bite at his bottom lip. Jungkook pulled away only slightly. "Just let it be, if you didn't like it, you would have pushed me away already, right?" Jungkook breathed out. It took a moment for the boy to begin to kiss Taehyung again.

Taehyung felt his heart beat fasten as he pulled Jungkook closer against him and wrapped his legs around him. His hands making their way up to Jungkook's black locks and lightly tugging. The action earned Taehyung a groan from Jungkook.
Though the moment that was heating up, ended once Taehyung's phone began ringing. That is when Taehyung came back to reality, pulling away from Jungkook and placing his hand over his mouth. "Oh fuck.." Taehyung had a shocked expression from what he just did. What the fuck did he just do?

Meanwhile Jungkook was yet again, confused. He really did think this time he would be able to get into the pretty boys pants. "What?" Jungkook asked. Without an answer Jungkook was pushed away and Taehyung got off the table as he answered the phone.
"H-Hello?" Taehyung recollected himself. "Change of plans, i'm coming home tonight. You still have that offer?" Taehyung gulped as he looked at Jungkook. Fucking shit. "I.. uh.. I haven't started cooking yet but, yeah.. yeah of course.."

"Alright, i'll see you in an hour?" Yoongi hummed. "Yeah, I'll see you in an hour." Taehyung spoke as he then turned and looked at Jungkook. Taehyung was quick to look away and listen to Yoongi talk through the phone. Jungkook frowned but played it off as he grabbed the lollipop and placed it in his mouth then he grabbed his phone that was on the table. He then left the kitchen without any words.

"Yeah, yeah okay, i'll start cooking! See you soon Yoongi." Taehyung hung up soon after and quickly ran to the door where Jungkook walked out of. "Jungkook!" Taehyung pursed his lips while he held onto the door and called out for the figure walking down the hall. Jungkook turned around but still kept walking. He only looked at Taehyung with a careless expression.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't.. I did not want that to happen and.. I really do want to be your friend.. It was just.. a moment." Is all Taehyung could explain. It was a moment of lust. A moment of.. he doesn't even know! Jungkook sucked on the lollipop as he turned around and walked towards the stairs that led down to the exit of the building. Not sure where his thoughts went but he didn't feel like talking so with that, he left.

Taehyung looked at the cooked food on the counter and played with his sweater. The boy was sure he was about to have a panic attack. "I cheated. Right? I kissed another man so I cheated. Fuck, oh my god." Now just realizing this, the boy held his chest and tried to calm himself but he didn't have much time to do so as he heard a certain someone. "Tae?" A familiar voice called out as a click was heard soon after.

Taehyung panicked, grabbing anything near him that was edible and placed it into his mouth which was in this case, bread. "Heee" Taehyung almost choked while saying 'here'. Yoongi walked into the kitchen to see a puffy cheeked Taehyung. The boy furrowed his eyebrows. "You okay?" He asked. Taehyung nodded. Yoongi chuckled, poking the boys cheek. "Cute. Mm, do you think a game would be on?"

Taehyung couldn't answer till a few minutes later as he then shrugged. "I can go check.. uh, let me just set the table." Taehyung grabbed the plates but Yoongi grabbed them. "I'll do it. You go check okay?" Yoongi smiled and began to set the table. Taehyung was dumbfounded but nodded as he made his way to the living room and turned the tv on as he then grabbed the remote. "Uhm.." Taehyung clicked through the channels. "One starts in fifteen minutes." Taehyung got up and went back to Yoongi.

Yoongi nodded and poured water into both of their cups. "You're.. not drinking?" Taehyung asked as he slowly sat down. Yoongi nodded. "Yeah.. well.. remember when Jin told me you think I fell out of love with you?" Taehyung gulped. He thought Yoongi forgot about that considering that Yoongi was drunk. "I.. well.. I thought.." Yoongi shrugged. "Partly true. I love you Taehyung. I really do. I just don't feel the spark anymore.. but that doesn't mean I will give up on you."

Taehyung was loss for words as his breath hitched. "And.. so what do we do.." Taehyung asked. Yoongi grabbed Taehyung's hand and looked at the ring. "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live." Yoongi smiled awkwardly as he then shook his head. "I hate being sappy." he breathed out and pulled his hand away.

Meanwhile Taehyung was heartbroken. It's not like he slept with Jungkook, it was a simple kiss. Well.. a kiss with tongue. Though he was partly happy because Yoongi was being honest with his feelings, so he thought and it just made Taehyung happy but sad at the same time. Taehyung did smile like an idiot though. "Sappy Yoongi is the best Yoongi, one of the reasons why i'm married to you, idiot."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and began to eat his food. He would play around with Taehyung every now and then, feeding him and placing food on his cheek with a smile. It was like old times. Just how Taehyung always wanted it to be.. but tonight was not how he wanted it to be. He wanted to love the moment but he hated himself. He wanted to think about Yoongi and only Yoongi but.. Jungkook would pop up in his head every now and then.

Yoongi kissed the boys forehead and pushed his hair back. "Liking the game?" Taehyung nodded with a yawn. "I like it. I mean.. I don't know what is going on but I like it." He smiled lazily. Yoongi chuckled. "You have been dating a basketball player for seven years and you still know nothing about it." Yoongi flicked the boys forehead. Taehyung groaned. "You're still a basketball player so nine years."

"Nine?!" Yoongi's eyes widened. Taehyung nodded. "Yeah.. nine.. it'll be ten on June third." he bit his lip. Yoongi did the math in his head as he then shook his head and smiled like an idiot. "Wow, once upon a time I remember the first time we had sex." Taehyung choked. "Yoongi!" He looked at the boy who was still smiling but now had his head tilted. "We should reenact that."

"You wanna break into a school and have sex in the locker room?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow as he blushed lightly. "Sounds hot if you ask me." Yoongi pulled Taehyung closer. "You're gross... I love you.." Taehyung kissed the boy quickly and rested his head on Yoongi's shoulders.

"Did you bite on your lip to hard? You have a small cut on your lip."

... Fuck.

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