Taehyung almost cried when he saw Jungkook standing in front of him. "Oh my god!" Taehyung engulfed Jungkook into a hug and held him close. Jungkook didn't waste a minute as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung. "I-I thought you got shot! I- oh my god you didn't answer your phone and I- are you okay? Jungkook oh my god." Taehyung pulled away to see that Jungkook had very red eyes.
The boy sniffed and nodded. "I-I'm fine.. I left my phone back at the building.. I'm sorry for worrying you.." the boy hiccuped as he put his hands in his pockets. Taehyung finally realized that if Jungkook wasn't shot.. "Jiyeon.."
Jungkook's breath hitched as he tilted his head back to hold the tears in but couldn't. "S-Sh-She-" the boy pursed his lips and broke into a cry. Taehyung pulled Jungkook into another hug, Jungkook hugging back tightly with a broken sob. He tried to form words but he couldn't. He broke down. He totally broke and Taehyung was there. Taehyung held him, tearing up as he tried to calm Jungkook.
"J-Jiyeon?" Jungkook walked into the scene of the robbery. Before he knew it, a gun was being pointed at him. "No!" Jiyeon yelled, pushing the man holding her and jumping in front of Jungkook right when the bullet was shot from the gun.
Jungkook hid himself and there was a ringing noise in his ears as he slowly started to unravel himself and check his body, the ringing still there. Jungkook looked up and saw the two males leaving before he looked down. Blood, blood was gushing from his aunt's chest and thats when he broke through his shock. "J-Jiyeon!" Jungkook got onto his knees and held the gasping woman.
"N-No.. no no Jiyeon no!" The boy cried instantly as he held the woman. Jungkook tried to cover up the wound but realized that it wasn't the only one as there were two more. The boy yelled for help, knowing that the neighbours had to have heard that.
About four people ran into the store and were telling Jungkook that the ambulance was coming while another person was on the phone with the police department. "J-Just hold on mom, okay? Just, keep your eyes on me.." Jungkook choked out.Jiyeon was surprisingly not in any pain. Due to the shock of course. Though it was hard to breath. The woman had her fist on Jungkook's shirt as she looked at the boy crying. Oh how it hurt her to see the scared expression on her sons face.
Until her vision became to fade. "Jiyeon! Jiyeon! Mom! Mom stop! Wake up! Mom!" Jungkook called out with a horrific cry. Jungkook never ever cried like this. Rarely did he ever cry he couldn't even believe he was hearing his own cries but god, this hurt so much.
What felt like hours, The ambulance arrived and Jungkook was watching the paramedics take Jiyeon away. Once they were at the hospital, Jungkook changed into a new shirt an intern let him borrow since he was basically all bloody. The boy was helped by the paramedics as well but Jungkook fought them, wanting to be with his mom.
Though by the time he got back, Jiyeon was in the operating room.
Jungkook had been hugging and crying for almost twenty minutes now, the two up against the wall only because Jungkook didn't want to sit down yet but his legs were giving up on him. Taehyung tried his best to comfort Jungkook but really nothing could be comforting at this state. Soon enough, Jungkook groaned, moving away from Taehyung and grabbing the tissue out of his pocket.
Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand and and led him towards the chairs where he sat down next to the boy and made Jungkook lean on him. There was no talking until Taehyung spoke up. "How long has she been.."
"Three hours.. before that s-she was in the room for six hours." The boy hiccuped once more. "The bullets shattered within her, causing more dam-amage and then she lost a lot of blood so they had a h-hard time." Taehyung ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair. "S-She jumped in front of me Taehyung.. s-she saved my l-life and.." the boy tried not to cry. "I'm scared.." he whispered out. Everything just felt like a nightmare.
Taehyung frowned, kissing Jungkook's forehead. "She'll be just fine okay? Everything will be fine." The boy tried to reassure as he then let Jungkook lean on his shoulder. Surprisingly, Jungkook fell asleep within a few minutes on Taehyung's shoulder. The older male looking at the wall as he listened to the steady breathing of Jungkook.
Once his phone rung, the boy answered and softly spoke. "Hello?" Taehyung whispered into the phone while comforting the sleeping Jungkook. "Oh my god, was it Jungkook? What happened?" Jin basically yelled.
"N-No.. it wasn't Jungkook but.. but it was his aunt- mom, auntie mom? It was Jiyeon.. look, Jungkook just fell asleep and I don't want to wake him, i'll call back as soon as I hear anything okay?" Taehyung reassured Seokjin and also thanked him for checking up on him. "Okay.. take care of Jungkook.."
With that, Taehyung hung up and let his head rest on Jungkook's. Grabbing and holding his hand as he caressed his hand with his thumb.
"Jeon Jungkook?" The doctor spoke. Taehyung opened his eye from relaxing and looked at the doctor before giving Jungkook a nudge. Feeling the nudge, Jungkook opened his eyes and adjusted to the lighting before he stood up.
"May we speak alone?" The doctor asked. Taehyung pursed his lips and got up to leave but Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand. "It's fine. You could tell me with him here."
The doctor hummed and nodded. "Well.."

Nothing Like Us || кσσкν
FanfictionIn which Jeon Jungkook is a street dancer with a sex addiction. Might be from the mommy issues... and maybe the daddy issues too but Jungkook didn't like to talk about them. Sex didn't involve talking and maybe that's why he liked it so much. Though...