Chapter 26 Why??

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Manik continued to stand looking at Nandini his arms folded and with a light smile on his face. Nandini was perplexed...voiceless and speechless. 

"Kya huaaa..Nanduuu?? No answerrr??" Manik crooned with a naughty look in his eyes. 

"Wo na...I didn't close my eyes" Nandini replied suddenly with a fake attitude. 

"Achchaaa?? U didn't close your eyes?? Lagta hai ke mere imagination honge..haina?" Manik asked with a smirk on his lips. 

"Haan..U m..must have imagined. I don't close my eyes when a guy comes closer to me" Nandini spoke with a fake confident expression on her face. 

" it seems I'm not the first guy who came this close to U..right?" Manik asked rubbing his elbows and trying to rub away the cold feeling coming over him. He has been drenched and felt himself shivering a bit. 

"Ha..haan! Yes..U are not the first guy I came this close to!" Nandini continued lying with a fake confidence. 

"U really don't like U?" Manik asked this time as a serious expression crept over his face. 

"M..Matlab?" Nandini asked with a worried expression on her face. 

"Even now..U are lying to me. I gave U two minutes to explain yourself for the reasons for give you a second chance. Now even in the two minutes and more..the things U are saying to me are all lies" Manik continued with a disappointed expression appearing on his face. 

"N..No! I was...I was..." Nandini was at a loss for words. 

"Ya..I know. U don't trust me enough to tell truth to me. Each and every sentence U say are lies..lies because U don't like me..because U don't trust me, Nandini.." Manik replied looking away from Nandini.

"Please..Manik..let me explain?" Nandini asked in a pleading tone. 

"Explain?? What?? What do U want to say to me?" Manik asked Nandini with a gaze of anger. 

"Explain... this..." Nandini said as she walked gently towards Manik. 

"Now what is she up to?" Manik thought as he continued to look at Nandini who took baby steps towards him timidly. 

Nandini stood right in front of Manik and lifted her palms to cup Manik's cheeks. Manik was astonished..dazed..what was happening...what is she planning to do?

Nandini stood on tip toes as she moved closer to Manik and bending him towards they continued to get closer to each other. 

"M..Manik..." Nandini whispered looking into Manik's eyes. 

"Hmm??" Manik whispered with a questioning look in his eyes even as he felt himself losing in Nandini's eyes. 

"Manik...U mean a lot to me..." Nandini whispered softly getting closer to Manik. "I..I don't dislike U..I trust U.."

Manik's eyes grew in wonder as they filled with a new excitement. "She just now said that I mean a lot to her. Now this is new..."Manik thought as his lips parted in disbelief and as he felt Nandini's fingers trace his neckline. 

"Manik...I want to see the real see the real can U please forgive me and give me a second chance?" Nandini whispered as her fingers held both sides of Manik's neck. Manik felt the warmth and softness of Nandini's palm and he didn't know what to say anymore. 

"Sorry..." Nandini whispered softly with a pleading look in her eyes. That word..that "sorry" woke Manik up from his dazed mood. It made him remember every moment that Nandini had lied to him..insulted him...made him question his own feeling for her. 

"N...No..Nandini...I won't give U the sorry...not now..." Manik replied as a dark look crept into his eyes. Manik held Nandini by her shoulders tight as he brought her closer to him and he felt a strange anger gripping him. Nandini's palms slipped off Manik's neck to place them against his chest. "But why..Manik?? Why can't U accept my sorry? We met..we talked...I'm with you...didn't you promise that U will give me the sorry..if I mean it..if U see them in my eyes and if U see me face to face?" Nandini asked in a pleading tone as she felt Manik's grip tighten on her arms. 

"No..Nandini..U won't get a forgiveness. Today.. I came with great hopes to see you. I wanted to look into your eyes..hold your hand in mine and then when I looked into your eyes..wanted to hear U innocently say...Hii Manik...

I wanted U to have a look in your eyes which acknowledged me...I wanted to see your eyes grow wide with admiration when U see me. I wanted your heart to beat faster when U looked into my eyes. I wanted to gaze at you with equal admiration. But that didn't happen...all because of a silly lie of yours!" Manik hissed under his breath as an anger crept into his eyes. 

"But..Manik...we did meet..U did look into my eyes...and...held my hand" 

"Achcha?" Manik said as he let go of her with a slight push "And..what did U say your name as?? Navya..if I heard it right? Right? U just don't trust me...Nandini..U just don't.." Manik fidgeted as he shook his head in frustration. 

"No...I wanted to say my name as Nandini..." Nandini whispered with a worried look on her face. 

"Achcha? Then why did you say your name as Navya? Why did U have to lie?" Manik asked his eyes growing deeper with anger. 

"I...I was scared..." Nandini whispered. 

"Scared?? Like seriously?? U were scared of me??" Manik asked with a look of disbelief on his face. 

"N..No..Manik..I was scared of myself..." Nandini whispered softly. 

Manik couldn't just understand what this girl was saying. "Scared of herself and saying lies? What did she actually mean by that?" 

"What do U mean by that?" Manik asked as he stood with his arms folded over his chest. 

"Manik...I was scared that U won't like me.." Nandini whispered as her voice broke slightly and a sad expression crept over her face. Manik couldn't believe his ears...can somebody be this dumb? Manik thought as he continued to wait for her to explain herself. It was raining outside...raining heavily and questions were also raining heavily in Manik's heart...and he was waiting...waiting for answers...from his Nandu

Aiyoo Ayyappa-  MaNan FFWhere stories live. Discover now