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The rich man lit his cigarette as he walks along the beach at the break of dawn. He sat in the sand, taking a puff as the breeze blows his hair around. He was thinking of how ugly his divorce was, that happened not too long ago. "Shit." He mutters as he finishes his cigarette and flicks it to the ground, walking away towards the enormous luxury hotel.

The rich man walked into the club part of the hotel, already seeing a man in there. "Oh, hello, Mr. Morgan. I was having trouble sleeping so I thought I would get a head start..." The man said to the rich man as he wiped down the bar. 

"Patrick, I told you that when it's after hours you can call me Jeffrey." 

"Alright, Jeffrey." Patrick smiled, then continued cleaning. 

"I'm going to make sure our entertainment is still on schedule, I will see you later." Jeffrey said, lighting another cigarette and walking out of the club area.

"Bye, Mr. Morgan." Jeffrey chuckles as he walks out onto the main floor of the hotel. He then sees another man, buttoning his uniform. 

"You're the new bellhop, correct?" Jeffrey approaches the man, who looked startled as the hotel owner came up to him. 

"Uh, y-yes s-sir..." The man said, not wanting to screw up his only chance at a nice job like this. 

"No need to be afraid of me, welcome to the Miracle family..." Jeffrey says, shaking the man's hand. "What's your name, newbie?" 

"William, sir." 

"William is too long and fancy, I'm gonna call you Will instead." Will nods. "Now get ready, the doors are about to open and many people are about to come in and need a bellhop's assistance..." Jeffrey says, walking away towards his office as Will rushes towards the front doors. 

As he enters, Jeffrey plops down in his chair and grabs his phone, dialing a number. His assistant walks in, about to tell him something, but Jeffrey motions for her to wait. "Hey, you still coming tonight?" He says into the phone. "Alright, don't get all defensive now! You tend to bail on me and then I have to open up the stupid karaoke shit to entertain, and my hotel is too good for that bullshit." He pauses, waiting for the person on the other line to respond. "See you later then, and you better be on time!" Jeffrey warns before hanging up. "What can I do for you, Cheryl?" 

"Mr. Diamond has sent this to you." She hands Jeffrey the papers.

"Thanks, I will take a look at them later." She nods and leaves, once the door opens, Jeffrey hears all the people coming in and out of his hotel. "Here we go."



Short introduction, I know. I also know lots of you are disappointed that Robert isn't in it yet but I promise he will be in the next chapter! Anyone who has watched Magic City, there will be a lot of references to that show in this, and possibly some from The Singing Detective as well! So, I hope you all will enjoy this story, and thanks guys!

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