Chapter Nine

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Today was the day Susan starts her new job. She put on some decent looking clothes, along with her camera and started the walk to The Miami News building. Once she found it, she walked in, completely awe-struck with the place. "May I help you?" Susan hears a woman ask.

"My name is Susan Dany, I'm supposed to start my new job today." The woman nods, flipping through a book. 

"Perfect, you are early. I will let Mr. Hiddleston know you are here. In the meantime, you can take a look around all the famous articles we have published." The woman politely says, grabbing the desk phone and dialing some numbers. Susan nods with a smile, turning around and seeing lots of framed newspaper pages on the walls. 

"Wow..." She mutters to herself, fascinated with how much this company has accomplished.

"Pretty astonishing, isn't it?" Susan gets startled by a smooth baritone voice from behind. She turns around and sees a very tall man with a very nice smile on his face.

 She turns around and sees a very tall man with a very nice smile on his face

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"Uh... Yes it is, Mr...?"

"Hiddleston, I am your new boss, Ms. Dany." He responds, shaking Susan's hand.

"Nice to meet you, sir. I was just observing all the famous articles you have around, they are very fascinating." 

"Why thank you. Shall I show you to where you'll be working and we can start for the day?" 

"Sure." Susan follows Mr. Hiddleston throughout the building until they reach a small room. 

"I don't know if you had an office at your old job in New York, if you didn't you have one here. This way, you can meet with clients that don't have to go through me." Susan's eyes light up as he says that.

"A whole office to myself?!" She asks happily, making Mr. Hiddleston smile.

"Yes, and I will allow you to get settled in as soon as we are finished meeting with our client for the day." 

"Okay, is the client here yet?" 

"I believe if he isn't he will arrive shortly. So now that you know where your office is, I will show you to the conference room where we will discuss the approach to the case." Susan nods and they walk a little bit until they are in the conference room. "You can stay here and I will see if he has arrived yet." Mr. Hiddleston says, walking out of the room, leaving Susan to observe the surroundings for a couple of minutes.

"I do hope you will be able to help me out..." Susan hears a familiar voice approaching the conference room. Her suspicions are correct when her boss comes back in with the client.

"We will absolutely help you out, Mr. Arnett. Susan and I brought you here to discuss the approach." Mr. Hiddleston explains, motioning to Susan.

"Susan! It is nice to see you again, I would've never guessed you'd be working on my case..." Will says in a surprised tone, shaking Susan's hand.

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