Chapter Thirteen

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The next day, Mr. Hiddleston meets Susan at the front entrance of The Miracle, preparing to question Jeffrey. "Good morning, sir. I was thinking I should go see him first, so he doesn't get too suspicious. Plus, I'm pretty sure he has a crush on me..." Susan explains once she sees her boss. 

"Okay, and I think we are on a high enough level of knowing each other where you can call me Tom, Susan." He smiles at her.

"Oh, okay then, Tom..." She emphasizes. "Once I walk into his office, wait about 3 minutes before following, okay?" Tom nods and Susan heads for the office, knocking on the door.

"Come in..." She hears and carefully walks in, seeing the owner hunched over his desk.

"Mr. Morgan?" Susan asks, and Jeffrey looks up quickly, confused on why she is here.


"I was wondering if I could speak with you." He sits up straight.

"Uh, sure. Take a seat." He furrows his brows, gesturing to a chair in front of his desk. Then, his door opens again, a strange man Jeffrey has never seen before walks in and sits next to Susan. "Who are you?" Jeffrey asks.

"It's okay, Mr. Morgan. I'm not a threat." Tom reassures the owner.

"How the fuck am I supposed to trust you?" 

"Mr. Morgan, he is with me. This is my boss, Mr. Hiddleston. We both need to speak with you." 

"What the fuck is this, an intervention!?" Tom chuckles.

"No, sir. We are part of a very important investigation, and we would like to question you..." Jeffrey's eyes widen.

"You think I did something wrong!? Did my ex-wife spit lies to you!?" Jeffrey yells, standing up now.

"Mr. Morgan please, take a seat and be calm. You are not a suspect. We just want to know everything you know about a Ben Diamond." Tom calmly says. Jeffrey sighs before reluctantly sitting down again. 

"Who says I have any information on Ben Diamond?" 

"We are not prepared to disclose that information, for the safety of everyone." 

"Alright fine, what do you want to know?" 

"Is Mr. Diamond committing illegal activities?" 

"Such as what?"

"Shipping and exporting drugs." Jeffrey is speechless. "Mr. Morgan, can you please answer the question?" 

"How do you know about this? What is your source of information?" 

"Please just answer the question." Susan decides to cut in.

"I'm not aware of Ben Diamond's activities..." Jeffrey says, making Tom smirk.

"Okay, we will hold off on that question for now. Answer this for me please. If you are so unaware of what Mr. Diamond does, why is your hotel security keeping him out of the premises?" Jeffrey's eyes widen, not knowing how to respond.

"He is after my employees." He simply answers and Tom scribbles the information down.

"All of them?" 


"Then who?" Jeffrey hesitates.

"My club singer." Susan wasn't shocked by that answer.


"I'm uncomfortable disclosing that to you."

"You must."

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