Chapter Twenty

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"It's not that far up ahead. You'll probably recognize it." Vera says to Jeffrey as they walk towards the building Vera wants to open the business at.

"I have a feeling I know exactly what building you are going to show me..." They reach the building and it's the same one that Robert's grandfather helped build. 

"Here it is. Do you think it's a good pick?" Vera asks Jeffrey.

"I do. Robert's grandfather helped build this almost 70 years ago..."


"You don't remember Robert?" Jeffrey asks, surprised.

"Honey, I didn't pay attention to many people you associated with when we were married..." Jeffrey rolls his eyes.

"He's the singer for the club area, he gets me my business."

"Alright, well I need you to help me with this place. I was thinking we buy it next week and hire a crew to fix it up so we can get it up and running as soon as possible." 

"What does the inside look like?" Jeffrey asks.

"Does it matter? It'll probably have drastic changes before it opens up anyway."

"Yes, it does matter! You never buy a place before looking at the whole thing. It's been abandoned for awhile now, nobody knows what damage it might have hidden within the walls..." Vera rolls her eyes. 

"Well, I don't think we can just waltz in... That would be trespassing." 

"Alright, contact the owner of the building to give us a chance to look around the place." Jeffrey states before starting to walk away.

"That's it!? You're just gonna leave?" Vera asks in disbelief.

"Tell me what day we are going to look around the place, I have work to do." Jeffrey shrugs before turning away and walking back to The Miracle. 


Back at the hotel, Patrick runs into Susan before she goes off to work. "Good morning, Susan."

"Good morning, Patrick. How are you doing today?" 

"I'm doing alright, just keeping myself busy." Susan nods. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner with me tonight?" Patrick asked her, hoping she accepts his offer. 

"I would love to get dinner with you tonight. I get out of work around 5 so how about we go around 7? That way I can come back here and get ready?" 

"Absolutely! I'll knock on your door around 7 then. Have a good day at work!" Patrick smiles.

"Thank you, I'll see you later!" Susan gives Patrick a hug before heading to work.


Susan walks into her office and doesn't have much time to settle in before Tom walks through the door. "Good morning, Susan."

"Good morning, Mr. Hiddleston. Anything I can do for you?" She asks as he sits down.

"I just wanted to ask about your progress about Mr. Arnett."

"All I know is that he is trying to gather information from Mr. Diamond-"

"Excuse me, Ms. Dany?" Both Susan and Tom look to see a secretary at the door.


"Mr. Arnett is here to see you, shall I send him in?"

"Please." Susan says as the secretary leaves to get Will.

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