Chapter Sixteen

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"Welcome to your first day, Mr. Arnett. I hope you enjoy working for Mr. Diamond." The same guy who escorted Robert said to Will.

"Thank you, and I hope so too." They arrive at Ben Diamond's mansion, and a different man escorts Will into a different part of the mansion.

"Will! Nice to see you." Ben exclaims as Will walks into the room filled with papers. "This is your work space, and I will have John show you what you will be doing. I'll check in with you later." He explains before leaving the room.

"You ready for your eyes to bug out?" The man named John asks. "Because you're gonna be doing a lot of reading." Will gives a fake smile.

"I'm ready." 

"Great, so this pile is for you to open and read through, also making sure there is enough money in it." Will nods. "And this pile is for you to send out. It's pretty simple, but you'll never want to read anything ever again after." John jokes.

"Okay, I think I got this." 

"Great! If you need anything, I'll be across the hall." Will nods and smiles before John leaves him to himself. 

"Alright, time to see what this guy is really up to..." Will says to himself while sighing.


Patrick gets an annoying wake up call when there is furious knocking at his door. He slowly gets up, putting on a random t-shirt and waddles to the door, rubbing his eyes. "What do you want?" He asks in a groggy morning voice.

"You have a visitor waiting." Jeffrey simply states, then he goes and does the same to Roberts door.

"Ugh, she's already here!?" Patrick asks, getting his room key and locking his door, lazily going down all the stairs of the hotel. 

"Oh good, you're finally awake." Beth states way too cheerful for Patrick's taste, as she holds a little child. 

"Mm, barely." He rubs his eyes again, not bothering to say anything sarcastic. Now, Robert has also lazily walked down the stairs to join the ex-couple.

"Oh, wow. You're back already..." He says softly, almost whispering. 

"Yeah, Teddy is the most calm around this time of the day. Is there any place we could all talk?" 

"I would say the club area but there is no safe place to set him down..." Patrick mumbles, still half-asleep.

"We could go to my room? I just cleaned it recently and Teddy should be fine on my bed..." Robert suggests, making Patrick roll his eyes.

"Of course you want Beth in your bedroom again..." 

"Not like that, you asshole." Robert now rolls his eyes.

"Hey, I don't need anyone fighting in front of Teddy, alright? And one of the rooms sounds fine." 

"Alright, lets go. Want me to carry him up the stairs?" Robert asks.

"No, you're half-asleep, I don't trust you until I know you're awake." Robert shrugs and starts walking up the stairs.

"Suit yourself, then." They all make it to Roberts room, Beth very carefully sets the baby in the middle of Roberts bed, hoping he stays asleep. 

"So, what exactly are we going to talk about?" Patrick asks in a soft voice, not wanting to wake Teddy up. 

"The plan on what one of you will do if you're the father..." 

"How are we going to figure that out?" 

"I honestly don't know, maybe we can all go to a doctor and see if they can test us? Or we can wait it out and see what Teddy's personality will be like?"

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