Chapter Eleven

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When the two entered the hotel, Robert got pulled away from some fans. Susan decided he will be awhile so she went to go check up on Will. She climbed all the stairs and finally made it up to his door and knocked on it. "Hey Susan." Will greets as he opens his door.

"Hey, Will. How are you doing?" 

"Better. Sorry I freaked out earlier..." Will says, looking at the ground.

"Hey, never apologize for something like that. This isn't easy for you." Susan says, Will looks back up with a small smile.

"Did you find anything good?" Will asks hopeful.

"I'm sorry, nothing really suspicious yet... I still have a lot of ground to cover, though." Will nods, a little disappointed. 

"I don't know why I'm feeling disappointed, investigations take a long time."

"You just want to find your mother so you know she is safe and to get your father out of the nuthouse, it's completely understandable." Susan reassures.

"Thank you for understanding." Just then, Patrick walks out of his room. 

"Good afternoon Susan, Will." Patrick says with a smile.

"Good afternoon." Susan reciprocates.

"Hey, Patrick." Will says. Patrick furrows his brows.

"You okay, Will?" He asks, noticing Will is feeling a little down.

"He's just tired, that's why I was just about to leave him alone." Susan says, trying to keep Will's situation a secret. "See you tomorrow, Will." She continues before starting to walk away from his door.

"Bye, Susan." Patrick nods while walking next to Susan.

"Want to go for a walk with me?" He asks.

"Sure, I just got out of work. I think we will have to go around all the fans that are crowded around Robert right now, though." Patrick rolls his eyes as they start walking down the stairs.

"Of course we will..." He mutters and Susan chuckles.

"I'm sorry, I find amusement on how much you hate him." Patrick slightly smiles.

"Well, I'm glad you don't find it annoying." 

"No, but I do constantly wonder what could make you hate him so much. Are you jealous of him?" Patrick's eyes widen.

"You did not just say jealous..." 

"Are you?" 

"No, I'm not jealous of him. I know I can't sing, and I'm completely fine with that." Susan nods, dropping the subject for a second as they go through the lobby where there are still fans crowding Robert. She continues as they are on the sidewalk next to the Miami streets.

"Does he get paid more than you?" 

"No, we get paid the same amount." 

"Did he back-stab you?" Susan asks and Patrick stops walking for a moment.

"Uh, let's talk about something else..." He says seriously and this time Susan actually drops the subject. "How do you like your new job so far?" He asks after a couple minutes of walking in silence.

"It's great! I haven't accomplished much but I'm still feeling content." 

"I'm glad you like it, that means you'll be staying here in Miami where I get to see you." Patrick says and Susan blushes.

"I hope you know I won't be staying in that hotel forever, I have to house hunt as soon as I have the money..." 

"I know... But I still want to see you when you do eventually leave the hotel." Susan smiles.

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