Chapter Eighteen

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"Wake up and get your butt outta bed! We gotta go!" All of a sudden, Robert hears on the other side of his door. He lazily gets out of bed, not bothering to put something over his underwear before opening his door, squinting at the light before seeing an annoyed Beth holding a sleeping Teddy. 

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Robert mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh hush, it's not like it's five o'clock in the morning, eight is a good time to wake up." Robert just grunts in disapproval. "What are you standing there for?! Go get dressed and make your face handsome, we are gonna be late!" Beth snaps him out of his dazing.

"Alright, alright! Geez! Can't a man wake up for a minute before being nagged?" Robert responds as he walks into his bathroom to get ready. "Why are you only yelling at me? Shouldn't Patrick be getting ready too?" Robert somewhat yells so Beth could hear him.

"He is already in the lobby, waiting to leave. Even though he is the bartender, you are the one who gets drunk and has a hangover in the morning, not him." 

"Wow, you are defending the guy you cheated on, now?" He says sarcastically and Beth rolls her eyes.

"Less talking, more getting ready." Robert smirks to himself as he finishes putting the last piece of hair into place. 

"Alright, I'm ready, lets go before we are late!" Robert says, locking his door behind them and going down the stairs as Beth rolls her eyes at him again. 

"What the hell took so long?" Patrick asks as they meet in the lobby. 

"This idiot has a hangover and didn't wanna wake up." Beth points to Robert.

"I'm awake now, okay? Lets just get this over with..." They start walking to where the nearest doctors office was. 


"Good morning, you all must be here for the DNA test, I presume?" An older man, who is the doctor, asks the three. 

"Yes we are. Do you know how long this will take?" Beth asks.

"It takes a couple of days to get the results, but just gathering the materials we need, that should only take a half hour at most." The doctor smiles. "Shall we start?" He asks and the three stand up and follow the doctor. "Anybody have a hunch who the father is?" The doctor asks to lighten the mood. 

"I think it's me because I am the only one, besides Beth, that Teddy likes apparently." Patrick explains.

"I think it's me because I don't believe this guy ever had a sex life..." Robert says, making the doctor feel awkward and both Beth and Patrick pissed off. "I was joking..." Robert continues, seeing the permanent frowns on everyone's face except for Teddy's.

"Okay then, how about you, ma'am?" The doctor asks Beth after the awkward moment.

"It could be either of them, because me and Patrick did have a sex life, and Teddy reacts the way he did with Robert with my parents so it could still be Robert as well." The doctor nods before gesturing for them to have a seat.

"Well luckily, in just a couple of days you will know for sure. Now, I am going to need a urine, saliva, and hair sample from Teddy and the two potential fathers. Lets try to get the urine sample first, because that is the most difficult one to obtain sometimes." 


Meanwhile, Will arrived at Ben's mansion and immediately saw Ben waiting for him. "Good morning, William! Are you ready for a day out of the office?" 

"Good morning, Mr. Diamond, I sure am!" Will responds, trying to match his enthusiasm. 

"Well, lets go then!" Ben leads him into the designated car that has the driver who transports everyone. "I just want you to know, I don't normally bring my employees to see this so soon, so you should feel honored." Ben explains and Will's eyes widen.

"Really?" Ben nods with a smirk.

"That's right. So don't be telling anyone about this." Will nods, hoping he is convincing Ben. "Don't worry, it's not too far, and we won't be there too long, so then you can have the rest of the day off, how does that sound?" Will gives a smile.

"Sounds good, sir." The car stops and the driver opens the door for Ben.

"Here we are." Ben says before stepping out of the car, Will following. All that was there was a big building, and Will could hear some bustling about in the distance. 

"What is it?" Will asks.

"It's my business. I'm sure you recognized how vague my letters were that you read everyday, now you will see just why they are vague. But, again, I need your word that you won't tell a single soul." Will nods instantly, not wanting to know what Ben will do to him if he went against his word. "Alright then, lets go see what all the ruckus is about." Ben says, slinging his arm around Will's shoulders as they walk in the building. 

"You really think this is good enough!? Would you want your delivery looking like this piece of shit!? Get it right the next fucking time or I will blow your brains all over the fucking place!" They hear a man yelling, and instantly Will feels very uneasy.

"Dammit, Mike! Get your anger under control, we have a guest today!" Ben scolds the man who was just threatening another man. 

"Sorry boss. What's your name, kid?" Mike says, diverting his attention to Will as he puts his gun back in its holster. 

"Will." Mike nods. 

"First time finding out what we do here?" Will just nods. "I bet these guys would love to have your job, but the reality is, they used to have your job." Mike explains and Will furrows his brows. By now, Ben has wandered off to check the deliveries. 

"What do you mean?" Will asks and Mike laughs.

"All of these sorry excuses for men, used to have a nice job at the mansion. But, they pissed off the big guy and ended up here for the rest of their lives, basically a living hell." Will's eyes widen.

"W-what did they d-do?" Will stutters.

"Don't you worry about that, newbie. Just follow the rules, listen to the boss, you'll be fine." Mike says, giving Will a pat on his shoulder before going back to yell at the men packaging. 

"So this is a drug manufacturing building?" Will asks himself, looking around and seeing all the white in the wrapped blocks, waiting to be put in boxes to ship. 

"What the fuck did I tell you five minutes ago!?" Suddenly Mike screams again, getting his gun out. 

"I'm sorry, sir! My hand has cramped up and can't do the proper box-folding technique-" The poor man who was scared shitless got cut off by Mike.

"Oh? Your hand cramped, eh?" The man just nods. "Does it look like I give a shit?" The man shakes his head furiously. "Good you get that part, except, you still haven't gotten the part that you need to do your job right or you feel metal fly into your brain!" Mike loads his gun and aims it at the guy.

"Please! Please don't, I have a family!" The man pleads. 

"I've told you enough times, you should've learned by now, so I can't let this go unpunished or everyone would rebel in here. So you tell me what you want to tell your family before I lose all my fucking patience." Mike explains as the man shakes in fear on the ground. Will just observes from the distance, his jaw completely dropped. 

"Alright, you have seen what I wanted you to see, let's get back to the mansion so my driver can bring you home for the day." Ben leads Will out of the building. As they were getting close to the car, a gunshot goes off and Will jumps, knowing exactly what happened. "Hey, don't worry, that won't be you as long as you follow my rules, okay?" Ben reassures Will. Will forces himself to nod, but is internally freaking out about being Ben's employee.



Don't worry, I'm still somewhat here! I don't know if anyone is still reading this, but I might start updating more now that it's summer! That was pretty brutal, huh? What is Will going to do? Will the DNA test say Robert or Patrick is Teddy's father? Sorry there hasn't been any Susan in the past couple chapters and no Jeffrey in this one. Next chapter up soon, thanks guys!

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