Chapter Twenty Two

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The next day, Jeffrey and Vera made an official agreement with the owner of the abandoned hotel. They were told they could start renovating the following week so they could get in business as soon as possible. 

As the business deal was going through, Beth decided to visit Robert so he could bond with Teddy. "Remember that he gets fed every two hours, don't drop him, if he gets cranky either lay him down or rub his head-"

"Beth, slow the fuck down! I'm sure I can handle a couple of hours with a baby, my baby in fact!" Robert says aggravated.

"He's a stubborn baby, just like his father... You need to know the basics before I just give him to you, okay? You're a playboy, which doesn't scream father material, no offense."

"Do you want to monitor me to make sure I don't fuck up his life like I apparently did to Patrick?" Robert asks bitterly.

"First thing, stop swearing in front of Teddy, he's almost able to talk. His first word doesn't need to start with an 'f'. Second, Patrick doesn't seem to hate you anymore so let it go."

"He's getting revenge, he is definitely still angry about it..." Robert mutters.

"How so?" Beth asks as she hands Teddy to Robert.

"I saw him go on a date with Susan last night. They even went on a romantic stroll down the beach for god's sakes!" Beth starts to smirk. "What?"

"You're jealous of Patrick, then?"

"If he ends up with Susan, then yes..." Robert admits, his voice softer to not wake up a sleeping Teddy in his arms. 

"What you are feeling about this, is what Patrick felt when we had sex. Except his feelings were hurt way more. So his revenge is necessary in my opinion..." Robert stays silent, not wanting to admit that Beth is right. "Enough about that, Teddy is allergic to grass, so if you decide to go to a park, bring a blanket to sit on-"

"Beth, all I'm gonna do is stay in my room and talk to him and play with him. He will be fine." Robert assures.

"Okay, I'll be back in a couple hours to pick him up." Beth says before leaving. Robert looks down at Teddy in his arms.

"Looks like it's just me and you, little guy..." Robert decides to lay Teddy down on his bed for a softer surface. "Just uh... cry when you wake up I guess..." Robert says to Teddy before carefully laying down next to his child. 

Teddy was asleep for awhile before he woke up crying. "I hope that's a cry for food..." Robert mutters as he gets the bottle ready. "Alright, open up for the uh... car?" Robert says, unsure of the actual saying. He carefully puts the bottle in Teddy's mouth and the baby immediately starts to take the food. "Oh good, it was a food cry..." 


Susan and Will were in the conference room waiting for the detective to arrive. Will kept cracking his knuckles, it was obvious he was uncomfortable with talking badly about Ben. "Will?" Susan asks.


"The detective is going to help you." Susan assures.

"You don't know that. Nobody has gotten anything on Ben so far so I doubt Ben will be put behind bars anytime soon..." Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"Come in." Susan says. A man with dark hair and dark eyes walks in. He holds a cold expression and wears a tailored suit. "Detective Draper?" 

"Yes, you must be Susan." The detective shakes Susan's hand.

"Yes, and this is Will. He has a lot to tell you." Susan motions to Will.

"Nice to meet you Will, Don Draper." Will shakes Don's hand.

"Please, have a seat." Susan says.

"Alright, what's the issue?" Don asks, getting right down to business. 

"Promise you won't tell a single soul? My life is on the line with this information..." Don furrows his brows.

"Your life is on the line?" Will nods. "I promise. I can also try my best to set you up with witness protection."

"If you can, that would be great." Susan jumps in.

"Okay," Will sighs, "There's a man named Ben Diamond. He's pretty popular around here." Don nods, listening intently. "I was employed by him not too long ago. I'm from Alabama and my mother went missing, so I heard Ben was a shady character and I decided I could try and find answers from within..."

"So you got a job under his employment to find answers about your mother?" Don clarifies, taking notes.

"Yes. At first, it wasn't too shady. But the other day, Ben decided he trusted me enough to take me to his warehouse." 

"What's at the warehouse?"

"A lot of employees were packaging drugs. There was a man who carried a gun to watch over the workers. One of the workers pissed of the man and as I was walking away from the warehouse with Ben, I heard pleading and then a loud gunshot..." Will's voice was shaking now. Don put his notebook and pen on the table and leaned forward.

"You witnessed a man's death under Ben's employment?" Don asked, looking Will right in the eye.

"I didn't see it happen, though-" 

"-Doesn't matter, you still witnessed it." Don cuts him off. 

"Okay, but the guy who fired the gun told me if an employee dishonors Ben or the company in any way, they will be in deep shit. Probably like the guy who was shot. I can't die, at least not until I find out what happened to my mom...." Don thinks for a second, trying to come up with a plan. 

"Will, if we can find any other witness to anything bad Ben has done, we can get a trial going and get Ben behind bars so his reign of terror stops." Don suggests.

"As the trial is going on, Ben is going to know I revealed a secret and then I will die!"

"You're not going to die, if someone is a suspect of drug dealing and murdering, they will be put in interim jail until trial is over. Plus with what you've given me, I'm very sure I can put you in witness protection."

"Okay, but what if he is found not guilty? Ben has a way of persuading people."

"I'm sure there are more witnesses. If we can gather enough evidence, the jury shouldn't have a second thought on his innocence." Will stayed silent, still unsure about this.

"How soon can you get witness protection?" Susan asks.

"I can call my guy right now and Will could be in as soon as tonight. Will, when is the next time you go in for work?" 

"I have three days off."

"Perfect. Do you think you can stretch it to a week? Maybe say you have to go back to Alabama for family issues?" 

"I don't know if he would believe that... He would think I'm going to tell someone about what I witnessed."

"I can give 'proof' that there's a real family issue..." Don says.


"He doesn't know what your fathers handwriting looks like, right?" Will shakes his head. "I can write a letter that looks like it's been through the post office that would be 'from you father'."

"That could work, Will." Susan says and Will sighs.

"Okay, I'll go for it." Will shakes Don's hand.

"Great, lets get started then." 



Another chapter done! As you can see I added a character, Don Draper but in this he's a detective. I hope this wasn't too boring and I apologize it's literally been forever since I've updated this story. This chapter has been sitting in my drafts for a very long time and I just noticed it today and figured I'd publish it. Thanks guys for those of you still reading, although I'm not sure if I will have the motivation to continue this story after this chapter, but I have other stories that I try to update if you haven't already read those ones!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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