Chapter Six

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"We are not done talking, Dempsey!" Robert yells after Patrick. 

"Oh, I think we are..." Patrick keeps walking and Robert catches up to him and stands in front of him so he can't move.

"Did you tell Jeffrey?" Robert asks and Patrick laughs in his face.

"Honestly, you wish I told Jeffrey! As much as I hate you, I would never try and get you fired for stupid reasons..." Patrick tries to walk away, but Robert blocks him again.

"Am I getting laid off?" Patrick scoffs and Robert gets worried.

"How about you stop asking me and go to Jeffrey himself? I'm really tired of you and also drunk, I would like to relax and be alone for the night. Goodbye." Patrick finishes, finally being able to walk away as Robert stands there, not knowing what to do. 

"I thought I was gonna witness a fist fight..." Will says, startling Robert for a second.

"He's right, you are nosy as fuck..." Robert says, then decides to go to Jeffrey's office. He knocks on the door, but gets no response. "Fuck!" He screams, kicking the door in frustration. "I just want some fucking answers!" 

Patrick was just about to open his door when he sees Susan cautiously open her door. "Hi." He quietly mutters.

"Hello..." Patrick looks at her and furrows his brows.

"Do you need help settling in?" The offer surprises Susan.

"Uh, no I'm good, I was just curious about all the commotion..." 

"Oh, I'm sorry if I was too loud-" She cuts him off.

"No, I'm used to the noise, I was just wondering if you are okay?" Patrick slightly smiles at her concern.

"I am as fine as I'll ever be. Just a tad drunk right now, though..." They both chuckle lightly. Patrick leans against his door for support. "How long you been in Miami for?" 

"Today is my first day. It's completely new to me..." She laughs nervously and Patrick's interest is piqued.

"Oh really? Well since the club area is only open after nine, I could show you around if you'd like?" 

"Um... Sure! I don't start my new job for a couple days so I'm definitely free." Patrick fully smiles now.

"Great! I promise I will be less drunk and more cheerful. See you tomorrow?" Susan nods.

"Drunk Patrick isn't bothering me, and see you tomorrow." She goes back into her room and Patrick opens his door, settling in for the night.


The next morning rolls around, and as soon as Robert woke up, he marched to Jeffrey's office. "You better be in there..." He mutters to himself, reaching the door.

"Come in." Robert opens the door, Jeffrey shocked to see the man in pajamas wanting to talk. "Robert?" 

"I need you to be completely honest with me, okay?" Jeffrey furrows his brows and nods. "Are you planning on laying me off?" Jeffrey's eyes widen. 

"Where would you get that idea!?" 

"Just answer the question!" 

"No, I'm not going to lay you off." Robert sighs in relief. "Now tell me why you thought that?" Robert freezes.

"I just heard some stuff... That's all." He says nervously.

"You are lying to me. Was it Ben?" Robert's eyes furrow now.

"Ben? Why would Ben Diamond tell me anything like that, or talk to me at all?" Jeffrey gulps, muttering 'shit' under his breath.

"No reason... Let's just forget about it, you can leave now." 

"No, I will not leave until I get some answers!" 

"You are talking to your superior, I demand things from you, not the other way around!" Robert just stands there, rubs his hand through his hair in frustration before angrily walking out of Jeffrey's office. 

He walks back to his room, finding a woman near his door. "Ma'am?" Robert asks and the woman turns around. "Are you looking for someone?" 

"Well, my room is just over there, but someone is supposed to show me around Miami today but I forgot exactly what room he is in..." The woman responds and Robert nods.

"Well, welcome to Miami." He says in a friendly tone, about to go into his room until she stops him.

"Wait!" Robert turns back to her. "Your voice sounds familiar..." Robert smirks.

"Well, I sing for a liv-" She cuts him off.

"No, I think I heard you arguing in the hallway last night..." Roberts eyes widen. 

"Oh, I'm sorry if that woke you up-" He gets cut off again.

"You didn't, it just wasn't the best first impression of Miami that I have gotten..." 

"Oh, well I apologize for that. Last night was just a bad night, I swear it's not a regular occurrence..."

"Well thank god for that! I'm Susan by the way." She holds out her hand and Robert smiles.

"Robert, the club singer. Are you a new employee here?" He shakes her hand.

"No, I start my new job in a couple days." Roberts brows furrow.

"That's weird, this floor is reserved for employees of the hotel..." Susan shrugs and they both hear a door open and Patrick comes out.

"There's the guy I was looking for, thanks for keeping me company, Robert." Susan says and Patrick's jaw clenches and Robert's jaw drops.

"Patrick is going to show you around?!" Robert asks and Patrick smirks at him without Susan seeing.

"Yeah, he offered after your argument in the hallway. Bye!" They walk away and Robert slams his door closed.

"Fuckin' Dempsey, ugh!" 

"So, Robert kept you company?" Patrick starts a conversation.

"Yeah, he was confused on why I was on that floor of the hotel. I didn't know the employees lived in the hotel..." 

"So you didn't go in his room at all?" Patrick asks and Susan furrows her brows.

"What? No, I just met him I don't know what kind of person he is..." Patrick internally sighs of relief. "Why?" 

"Stay far away from him, he can be manipulative." Patrick warns.

"Really? He seemed really nice..." 

"Key word is 'seemed'..." Susan shrugs.

"Well, if he tries to manipulate me I'll kick him where the sun doesn't shine, then he won't like me very much." Susan smiles up at Patrick who is laughing.

"I wish I could do that, but he'd hit me back and it would be a nasty fight..." Susan furrows her brows.

"I guess you really don't like him, huh?" 

"Hate his guts."

"Why?" They reach outside of the hotel.

"Lets discuss that another time and begin the tour. Welcome to Miami Tours, I am your guide, Patrick, and we will be seeing only the good parts of Miami because nobody wants to see the bad! Oh look! Over there is a lovely palm tree, that is one of many in this area so keep your eye out!" Patrick says in a loud and obnoxious voice, making Susan laugh as they keep walking.



So kinda boring, yes... Robert met Susan though, yay! Only a little bit of Jeffrey and no Will and I apologize. Will Robert figure out about Jeffrey's deal? Next chapter up soon, thanks guys!

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