Chapter Eight

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The Confident, The Insensitive, The Curious, The Broken...

"To be a singer and perform, you must have confidence. If you don't carry yourself a certain way up on that stage, nobody is going to enjoy the music. Being confident doesn't come easy, but once you have a handle on it, you're good for life." Robert explains to the powerful man sitting in front of him. 

"So you're a confident person, but you haven't always been that way. I get it, I changed over time for my career as well. I will review your record and let you know what I decide. Have a good day, Mr. Downey." The man says, leaning over and shaking Robert's hand.

"It was a pleasure, Mr. Morgan." Robert smiles and walks out of the office. Jeffrey then gets a call.


"Have you looked over the papers yet?" A feminine voice says over the other line, making Jeffrey's jaw clench.

"Can't we talk about this fi-"

"No we can't! You changed and I don't like the man you've become one bit, I want this divorce and you should find yourself someone who suits the 'new you'. The sweet and charming man I once married is no more, you are just the shell of that man now. Look over and sign the goddamn papers, there is no way you can convince me to come back, it's too late for that." With that, she hung up. Jeffrey slammed the phone down with an angry grunt. A knock came at the door and someone walked into the office.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Morgan." The famous Ben Diamond walked in with his typical smirk. "I hope this isn't a bad time for you..."

"I'm a businessman, I can keep my personal problems out of the way when doing business. What brings you here?" Jeffrey states halfheartedly. 

"I have a proposal for you, and I do hope you consider how great of an opportunity this is for you." 

"Just tell me." Jeffrey responds coldly, not wanting to deal with Ben's bullshit.

"I thought you were keeping your personal issues out of the way?" Ben says sarcastically whilst smirking. Jeffrey just glares at him. "Alright, I have discovered that I owe a great deal of money to some fellows. You have money, and I consider us friends. I was hoping to make a deal that if you help me out, I will help you..." Jeffrey furrows his brows in confusion.

"Help out with what exactly?" 

"I will bring you good business to the hotel, and you help me pay off my debts. What do you say?"

"How would you bring me business?" 

"Ah, you are a very cautious businessman, that's smart... I could run the other hotels around in Miami out of business with a snap of my fingers, you'll get all the business. Most of your rooms are empty, with my help, all will be full and you can hire more staff so you don't have everything on your shoulders! It's a lot to take in, so I will give you some time to think about it and I will return for your answer, okay? Nice talking to you, Mr. Morgan..." Ben finishes before walking out of the office, making Jeffrey have a lot on his mind. 

"Fuck it, I need the business opportunity, this can only benefit me."


A few months later...

"I can't believe how many people are here! That new singer you employed must really bring in the crowd, sir."  Patrick compliments Jeffrey as they stand in the back of the club area, overlooking all the guests enjoying their drinks and the music.

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