Chapter Seven

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A couple hours later, the tour is over and they are both on their way back to the hotel. "Would you like to come and see the hotel club with me tonight? I might have to tend the bar a little bit but I could introduce you to some people and maybe you could let loose a little before starting your new job?" Patrick asks, checking his watch for the time.

"Sure, that sounds fun. It's okay if you have to tend the bar for awhile, I don't want you to get fired..." Susan says.

"Yeah but it would still be rude to invite you and ditch you, y'know?" They both chuckle lightly and continue to the hotel.

They enter and Will greets them. "Good afternoon Patrick and Mrs...?" Will says.

"Dany. Call me Susan please." Will nods and smiles.

"Congratulations on the girlfriend, Patrick." Will says and Patrick's eyes widen.

"Will, Susan is just a guest at the hotel, I gave her a tour of Miami because she hasn't seen it before, that's all."

"Oh, I'm sorry for assuming..." Will apologizes, looking down and Susan frowns.

"It was harmless, I mean he invited me to the club this evening so it was a suitable assumption..." Susan says, trying to make Will feel better. "Will we see you later at the club?" She then asks, making Will's eyes widen.

"Uh n-no, I have to make sure I'm here in case late guests arrive..." Susan frowns and looks to Patrick before going back to Will.

"Did you get yelled at for that? I came late last night but Patrick said it was rare so you should be able to enjoy yourself too..."

"Maybe I will be there later, I will talk to my boss about it, okay?" Will says and Susan smiles.

"Great to hear! Bye." She says before walking up the stairs with Patrick.

"Being the rookie sucks..." Will says, watching the pretty woman walk with the man who seems to be always angry at him.


Patrick couldn't help his nerves. Is this technically a date? I mean, I wouldn't mind but I'm way out of practice! His mind spins as the barber is cutting his hair shorter. "Relax, you are a handsome fellow, you probably get all the ladies..." The older man laughs, Patrick's nervousness was easy to detect.

"I haven't dated in a really long time, but I'm not even sure if this is a date..."

"And you think the lady decides if it's a date? If certain signals are put out there, go for it. The first step is already accomplished, she said yes. Now just woo her and you'll be fine, my friend." Patrick chuckles. "You are looking sharp, Mr. Dempsey." The barber continues, cleaning his clippers and stepping behind the chair, letting Patrick see his hair.

"Thank you so much." Patrick says, getting up and paying the older man before leaving.

It doesn't take him long to get back to his room at the hotel. He was due to be at the club in a half hour. He digs thoroughly through his closet, looking for an old outfit that always got him a couple compliments. "Aha!" He says in triumph. He holds out the crisp white shirt and lays it on his bed before going back in the closet. "Regular tie or bow tie?" He asks himself, holding one of each. "Bow tie, more elegant." He says confidently, picking up a pair of black dress pants and starting to get dressed.

Patrick checks his watch, seeing he has five minutes to meet Susan at the club area. He walks over to the mirror and straightens his bow tie whilst smiling at how well he cleans up. "You completed the look, now for the hard part, being a gentleman and not getting into another argument..." He breaths out before grabbing his keys and leaving his hotel room.

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