Chapter Twelve

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It was 10AM the following day, Robert was on his way to Ben's mansion in an escort car. He was getting anxious, wondering why Jeffrey was trying to protect him from this man. "So will I being seeing you more often?" The driver asks Robert.

"I don't know, I'm here to see what Ben is offering..." The driver nods and continues driving. They make it to the mansion, another man leading Robert to Ben's office.

"Ah, here he is!" Ben exclaims as Robert walks in. 

"Good morning, Mr. Diamond." Robert nods before taking a seat.

"So, Robert. I need to know if you are actually considering this. If not, I can't reveal any information to you..." Ben states seriously.

"Jeffrey is pissing me off, so yes I am actually considering this." Ben smirks.

"Great! You would say you're a strong young man, correct?" Robert furrows his brows.


"How about sneaky?" 

"I don't know, I've never been one to sneak around before." Robert shrugs. "Can you just tell me what I'd be doing?" He asks, starting to get impatient.

"Okay, but you have to promise to keep this low-key. Whether you take the job or not." 


"You would be a delegating man. You would be delegating shipments and exports, and if things get out of hand, you'd step in and kick someones ass so they don't get out of hand again..." 

"You are still being very vague, sir. Why would someone get out of hand?" 

"This business isn't ideal, so people get angry."

"What are you exporting, exactly?" Ben stays silent for a moment before leaning closer.

"That I'm not telling you unless you decide to work for me. Basically, I told you all that you can know right now, unless you take the job." Robert sits there, thinking about this, before standing up.

"Well, it was a pleasure Mr. Diamond. I think I'll keep singing for a living, though..." He shakes Ben's hand before walking out, leaving Ben shocked. 

Robert decides to make a quick stop before going back to the hotel. "Stop here, please. It's a nice day, I'll just walk the rest of the way." Robert says to the same driver from earlier.

"It's a shame you won't be working for us. Have a nice day." The man says as Robert gets out of the car. 


Susan was at her desk, trying to come up with ideas on why Will's mother would suddenly go missing. "Susan?" She looks up to Mr. Hiddleston.

"Yes, sir?" 

"When you get a free moment, could you come to the conference room? This young gentleman could be a great help to this investigation..."

"I'm free right now." Mr. Hiddleston smiles as Susan gets up and follows him to the conference room. 

"Mr. Downey, this is Ms. Dany, she is the leader of an important investigation and what you just told me might be a big help." Both Robert's and Susan's eyes widen when they see each other. "You know him too?!" Mr. Hiddleston exclaims.

"Susan? I thought you were a photographer, not an investigator?" Robert asks.

"I am a photographer, this is just a special job for me, I guess." 

"So, when we went to the hotel my grandfather helped build, it was for this?"


"Fuck..." Robert says, putting his head in his hands, Mr. Hiddleston's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. 

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