Chapter Four

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In New York...

"Alright I need to see Susan and Everett in my office right away." An older man says to his secretary as he stands behind his desk in his office, waiting for the two employees to enter.

"You asked for us, sir?" Susan asks as her and Everett step in the office. 

"Yes, please sit down." The older man says, the two sitting in front of the desk. "Okay, so I brought both of you in here for a wonderful opportunity. Technically, it's two opportunities but I haven't decided which one to give who yet. Both of you are probably my best photographers I will ever have employed, and you should be proud of what you have accomplished."

"Thank you, sir." Susan smiles.

"Yes, thank you very much." Everett says.

"Don't thank me it was all your doing. Anyways, I will introduce the opportunities now. One is for me to send one of you to the city and be a photographer for The Wall Street Journal." Both employees gasp in shock, never even dreaming of working for The Wall Street Journal. "Now before you get too excited, the other opportunity is for one of you to move to Miami and work down there for The Miami News, I hear there is suspicious activity going on down there and they would like an amazing photographer to go undercover and try to get evidence of anything suspicious. Sadly, both of you will no longer be under my employment as these two opportunities only apply to you. I still am having a hard time deciding who to send down to Miami..." The man finishes and both photographers just sit there. "I'm assuming you both want to stay here and work for The Wall Street Journal, sadly I cannot make that happen." 

Both photographers sighed, Susan looked over at Everett, knowing he already had a family up here in New York, she was about to make the toughest sacrifice imaginable for herself. "I'll do it." She speaks up and both men look at her in shock. "I'll go to Miami, if you think about it, it would make more sense. Everett has a family up here, I don't really have anyone so I should be the one moving to Miami..." The old man smiled wide, all his crinkles showing.

"Susan, thank you so much for volunteering. Since this was such a difficult decision, I will make sure you only receive the best treatment in Florida. You probably won't start off with enough money to get a little apartment for yourself, so I have booked you to stay at the Miracle Hotel for your first three months on me so you can build up your earnings." 

"Thank you, I really appreciate that. When do I leave?" 

"This might seem very quick, but your flight is booked for tomorrow afternoon and you will start working in four days." Susan's eyes widen.


"I'm sorry it is so quick, I can hire a company to help you pack and move if you'd like?" Susan sighs.

"I don't know how much I can bring with me, I'll be living in a hotel for a couple months which has it's own furniture..." Everett just sits there, happy he gets to stay in New York but feeling uneasy in this awkward situation. The old man gestures that Everett may leave the room and they will talk about his situation later.

"Well, Susan if there is anything I can help with, just let me know. You can have the rest of the day off and collect your final pay from Debby. It was a pleasure working with you." The old man shakes Susan's hand, as she slowly walks out of his office, trying to process what her life is about to be like.


A day later...

Susan has arrived in Miami and is currently on her way to the Miracle Hotel. "Excuse me sir? Can you drop me off at the nearest restaurant instead? I'm way too hungry to go and try to settle in at the moment..." Susan asks the man driving her. 

"Sure, ma'am. Would you like me to come back for you afterwards?" He asks.

"No, it's okay, I would like to see Miami a little bit before going to the hotel for the rest of the evening, thank you though." The man nods and pulls next to a small building, Susan gets out and gets all of her luggage from the trunk, walking to the door of the small place. 

"Good evening, table for one?" A woman asks, getting a menu.

"Uh, yes please." Susan says, taking in the place. On the outside it looked like a nicely kept old building, on the inside was a very lively restaurant with lots of people chatting and enjoying their meals. The hostess leads Susan to her table. "Thank you." Susan nods to her as she walks away. She continues to look around, seeing various types of people in the restaurant. "This is completely different than New York... I just hope I'm going to like it here..."



Another somewhat short chapter, but I have finally introduced the female protagonist though! Next chapter will be back at the hotel with the guys, I might bring her in, I might not, who knows? Are you guys liking this so far? Next chapter up soon, thanks guys!

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