Chapter Five

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It was another normal night at the Miracle Hotel. Robert was doing his normal performances, Patrick serving the people, and Will was going around trying to get more comfortable with the place. Jeffrey hasn't set foot in the club area all day, and that made both Will and Patrick a bit suspicious. "Hey, you." Patrick says to the young man who sometimes helps work the bar with him. "Can you take over for a couple more minutes? I need to find something quick." The young man nods and Patrick takes off outside the club area. Will was watching Patrick leave and decided to see where he was headed.

"Hey! Where you goin' man? You okay?" Will yells to Patrick in the empty lobby of the hotel.

"I'm fine, go back in there, you don't have to know everything that goes on around here." Patrick says sternly, starting to get annoyed with the newcomers nosiness. Will looks down in shame, and slowly walks back in the club area. Patrick continues walking to Jeffrey's office, knocking on the door.

"Come in." Jeffrey basically mumbles. Patrick opens the door to see the owner holding his head in his hands with a bottle of scotch next to him. "Patrick? What are you doing here, you should be tending the bar..." 

"I was concerned, I didn't see you in the club area all day, I thought something happened to you..." Jeffrey grabs the bottle, taking a hefty swig.

"I'm fine..." 

"Is it your divorce?" Patrick asks and Jeffrey starts to get angry.

"What the fuck makes you think all my problems revolve around my divorce?! Can't a man just be having a bad day? Huh?!" Jeffrey snaps, slamming his hands on his desk. Patrick has never seen him so angry before.

"Woah, I'm sorry I'm just concerned..." Jeffrey looks around, starting to feel bad on snapping at his most loyal employee.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbles and sighs, sitting back down. "Hey, can you keep a secret? I need advice on something that's been bothering me all day..." Patrick decides to take a seat as well.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" Patrick asks, genuinely concerned. 

"You have probably heard of a man named Ben Diamond, correct?" Patrick nods. 

"Yeah, I saw Mrs. Diamond in here earlier, I assumed Ben was here somewhere."

"Yeah, he was talking to me. He made a deal with me and it's not a fair deal." Patrick furrows his brows. "He needs money from me apparently, and when I told him I'm not giving him anymore money, he said he will take Robert instead and make him work for Ben." Patrick's jaw clenches at the name.

"He actually wants that bastard to work for him? Ha! Let him." Jeffrey glares at Patrick. 

"Listen, I know you and Robert have some conflict, but he brings a good amount of my business, plus he's my friend. I can't have Ben take him, Robert isn't cut out to work for Ben at all..." 

"Why wouldn't he be cut out for it?" Jeffrey shakes his head.

"That's not something I'm prepared to discuss with you."

"And why the hell not? I've been working for you for years, probably the most out of anyone." Jeffrey stays silent for a second.

"Alright, I will let you in on this secret, if you can tell me why Robert is the biggest douche you've ever encountered in your life." Patrick goes silent, not liking himself for coming in here in the first place.

"The only thing I will tell you is that he ruined my life, and I will put emphases on my life..." Jeffrey nods.

"Alright, then just remember that it is your life, and really the only one who can control that is you. Now get out and finish giving people drinks." Jeffrey dismisses Patrick, who is now in a bad mood. 

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